Crypto is Key but why for me?

in #crypto-bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Quick and Painless so read on

This is me: AKA - VisNova, CredX, Fightsu, CryptoIsKey

I have nothing to sell you i don't want to sell you anything, what i do want to do is tell you as fast and as transparently as i can about this overwhelming need to be involved in the Crypto movement and try to decipher why . My name is Shayne and this is a little intro to me and what i am up to in the fast pace fast moving world of the BlockChain. WARNING: NOT CRYPTO SAVVY

For the first time in my 10 years of working online from home i was literally stopped in my tracks on my pc i had found what i was looking for

I am not clear on exactly what is driving this hunger for more information and the need to know everything there is to know about Crypto currency. I think it may have to do with what some of us have built in our DNA - "The need to be challenged' or maybe to find something we are always searching for. I am not entirely sure what it is but i will try to find out while i am writing this .

I know they say knowledge is power and i agree but you can have all the knowledge in the world but if you dont use it how can it convert to anything of significance?...sorry was on a tangent for a sec.

Back on point, i have been bouncing around like a 'weeble wobble that wont fall down' for the last few months, trying to sink my claws into and revitalize a lost creative side. Tried a few different things but everything is moving so fast online that one thing today can become yesterdays groove tomorrow...well that's how it feels for me...and i am hoping i am not alone.

So i am going to be totally honest how the world of Crypto currencey hit me in the face like a pissed off girlfriend. I belong to a Facebook group that enjoy's the occasional wager if you feel me:), And there always seems to be an issue with funding a sportsbook (online gambling site) . Letting the google spider do it's thing it was easily established that Bitcoin could squash that issue.

At first this was the reason i was drawn to Crypto, but then 6 wallets deep and 4 exchanges later i realized it wasn't about the online gambling it was the entire Crypto world was taking over my every thought. I realized i had essentially found a form of freedom that i had never experienced before.

The Hunt

If you have a new passion for something it becomes almost intoxicating which can be a good or a bad thing. For me i breath toxins for breakfast so i hunt for the best of the best in everything related to my new found intoxication.

So totally intoxicated i went on my merry way and started what i call "A CHAIN RUN" which is when one link leads you to another and to another until you find that gem you have been seeking. For me the gem was 'The Daily Decrypt' i was intrigued by the enthusiasm that oozed from the exuberant 'Amanda. B . Johnson . After being topped up with info from ABJ i became slightly excited about a few things in the Crypto world , and decided to hunt for a clan. (sounds game-ish-ee i know but ssssh i'am a beginner and i like how it sounds lol)

Now my claim to anything is definitely not in the developing code circle, i am a design guy and dabble a little code for web design but that's my reach. So when you talk hashing and masternodes that's like talking to a dog with no ears, i have next to no clue, But that was then and this is now (i know 5% more now lol).....Yeah only a week later but remember a week online can be like a year in a classroom if you take it all in:).

Ok so i know some of you that read this might get a little ansy and that's ok, because you have every right to believe or follow what you think is right and i don't judge so nor should you, so please don't post anti anything,lol... I am simply going to share my recent experience.

Community is Key

Regardless of what your online presence is , an online community to me is one of the most important aspects of a solid foundation and the feeling of security coupled with social interaction that we all need . In the Crypto world i have found there are many currencies (and i am referring to old and new) and so there could be multiple reasons why some users choose to follow/back any one of these in particular. This does not make one more superior than the other . Bitcoin is obviously the giant in the world of Crypto currencies but that doesn't mean it is the best , or has the best community to be involved with. I believe they all need to grow together to ultimately reach the same collective goal.

With all that being said i didn't even know what 'Slack' was until last week but hey got to start somewhere right?. Anyway doing my 'Chain Run' i found DigitalCash on slack and landed boom in the chat....All of a sudden someone tipped me some Dash and then another, and to be honest i really didn't know what was going on. I was quickly greeted by some members and although i didn't know anything about this community i already had a good strong feeling this would be my new home.

What i do know is this: I have been embraced from day 1, and not shut out or disrespected and to me this is the key to any Crypto Community succeeding moving forward. I don't know everything about my new online home but what i do know so far is that everyone i have met and come across and spoken to has my loyalty from this day forward.

My conclusion: I really don't know what i have been missing until i discovered the Crypto world. I believe it is what i have been searching for along time. There is so much to learn and so much to look forward to, i am so excited for the future and hopefully in time it will be sculptured in the way it was intended to be and we will have the freedom we deserve.

A big thanks to Amanda.B.Johnson for inspiring me to follow the chain to Dash. Also a massive thanks to all my new found friends in the Dash community I am here to stay.

Also thanks to Steemit for bringing the world a little closer than it was before.

If you are new to Crypto and want some baby step help be sure to come and say hello:)!
Also a new wallet for your currency i started using is by far the best i have found and for new users it is perfect!



welcome my friend! glad you came!

I lub you!

"Moon Step One" I like it dude. Glad to have you on board. The rabbit hole is deep, isn't it?

thanks mate:)..and yeah the hole is endless but i hunt rabbits like a ferret on all good it is a great challenge to blow the mind.

Nice, I decided to give your post some love after 5 and it deserve it. Love your signature! ;) I just shortened mine so I don't derail replies with my previously long signature, check it out.


Ricardo Goncalves (BNC Steemit Community Manager)
sig_bravenewcoin_smlsig_twitter sig_linkedin sig_facebook sig_reddit sig_steemit

much better looks great:)..and ty for the love!

I'm another individual on that self employed dream. Best of luck to you - cryptoiskey!

Hopefully my post gets fixed, unfortunately when the attack occurred steemit had to implement code changes and it has effected my post, and 90% of the content isn't showing.

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