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RE: The Last Book Store (Cryptails #1)

in #cryptails7 years ago

I guess you could say Joe wasn't "average" at all. BADUM-TSS! In all seriousness though, whether it's noir or drama or even sci-fi, your writing style proves to be flexible enough to exude a distinct identity, and yet it doesn't feel like a rehash of any of your previous work. Sometimes, it's unavoidable to write something derivative, but I have yet to see you commit such a thing. Maybe it's a benefit of your taking a break, or maybe you're just that good of a writer, brother.

I like how you portrayed Joe as skating by unnoticed. It's the same thing that humans fear of machines nowadays, with them just biding their time accumulating their resources. It feels post-apocalyptic yet timely at the same time. The way you built up to that hook at the end was so organic, any reader couldn't help but feel like they had thought it would be how the story ended.

Great work as always, and I hope you win the contest, mate! :D


A mighty fine compliment, thank you. I agree that some ideas will get rehashed somewhere, or play out in similarities, over time. Hopefully not too obviously. I try develop and express a voice that is unique, but knowing that my voice is influenced by my peers, and authors whom I respect and may wish to emulate, in a manner of speaking.

I really enjoyed writing this story. It's just a short one, but I can sense the bigger story lurking within. If I was to ever revisit it. Not sure I need to. It is self contained, even in its approx 900 words.

Thanks for all the feedback, and taking the time to read my material. Never taken for granted :)

Thank you for the appreciation, mate! I would never tire of commenting/encouraging/appreciating my friends' posts. I know how hard it is to write a thoughtful posts, so I try my best to make everyone feel appreciated for the hard work they put in :D

I think this one works best as a self-contained tale, but I fully trust your process if you feel like this could be a premise for a fantastic horror-scifi series :D

I agree, I think it works best as it is. Looking at it I can see it has a bigger tale in it. I just don't think it really needs to be told. When I first started reading Philip K Dick, I read his 5 volumes of short stories, from which several movies were made (Total Recall and also Minority Report being 2 famous ones). Done well then short stories can be excellent avenues for creative expression.

Oh yeah, I love me some Dick ... Wait! That came out wrong! I meant, Philip K Dick! Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep still stands as one of my favorite scifi stories to this day.

Haha, yes the fun one can have with that name. You realise being a fan of his also makes you a 'Dick head'. I qualify for that also :)

That is one of my all time favourite books. Also the movie Bladerunner is one of my favourite films. But they are different enough from each other that they stand up in their own rights. Mind you, I would probably end up saying that about most of his books. Ubik, for example, is another. I think I read all his short stories, then at least 20 of his full length novels, once I discovered his work. He is probably one of my key influences.

I just watched the TV series based on the Man In The High Castle. Makes me want to reread the novel.

Ohh yeah! The series is way different, but equally as awesome! I like the changes they made to it. It kind of fit the times we live in. Maybe that's why I'm a fan of your writing, because you're influenced by a writer I'm a big fan of as well haha!

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