OnLive: Revolutionizing Video Broadcasting and Remote Consultations MarketssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryprocurrency7 years ago


The successes that have emerged as a result of online broadcasting are well publicized; whether it be Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendez, Kate Upton and a host of other people who have made it to the big league by posting content on platforms like YouTube and other similar disruptive sites. What is lesser know, however, are the other small successes that have emerged as a result of online broadcasting. This is especially as it relates to people providing everyday services; from the yoga instructor trying to build his/her client base to the aspiring chef offering cooking lessons or that voice coach molding the next Bieber, cyberspace is replete with these lesser-known achievements.

Now, On.Live, the decentralized online broadcasting platform is not only aware of these success stories, they are also au fait with the shortcomings within this space and the need to give these lesser known people an avenue to maximize on their potential. The chief impediment in this space is monetization. On the provider side, there is the question of how to receive maximum benefits from providing services.

How exactly is this a problem?

This is because “every platform has a different method by which the content creator can earn for his/her work. In many cases, the creators must secure their own sponsors in order to be able to have a viable income stream.” On.Live has emerged to not only mitigate against these problems but to also solve them and by so doing change the online broadcasting space forever.

Video Summary of On.Live Platform


What is On.Live?

Before proceeding, it is important to explain exactly what On.Live is. “It is an ecosystem that revolutionizes both the video broadcast and remote consultations markets utilizing Blockchain Technology and a completely decentralized Peer-to-Peer network. It does so by allowing users to provide almost any service to anyone from anywhere and become a broadcaster and earn money for presenting valuable content in various business models, for example, Pay Per View, Pay Per Minute, In-Stream Payments, among others.” The beauty of this innovation is that anyone that owns a computer with enough processing power and adequate bandwidth can operate on this ecosystem.

In short, Live.On will bring uniformity to the space, and so provide content providers and buyers with a one-stop shop where they can advertise their services and get paid through utilizing the P2P initiative, which as we know is a bedrock of the blockchain ecosystem. This means that, for example, a SAT tutor who is seeking to go online to increase his/her product offering will not have to seek sponsors and advertisers to bring the dream to fruition if s/he doesn’t want. Instead, s/he will decide how the business will be run.

The Place of Middlemen on On.Live

This platform has all but eliminated the intermediaries within this space. Their team of savvy business people have come up with a novel idea. They have developed a smart incentivization system that is geared towards rewarding service providers and other contributors using ONL tokens, which is the currency of the On.Live platform. Let’s apply a use case scenario to the SAT tutor above. We will call her Makeba.

Makeba is a tutor on an online institute that prepared students for the SAT test. They have a huge presence on YouTube and Facebook. Their clientele is in the hundreds and they rake in handsome amounts from their advertisers, mainly colleges and textbook companies. Though she is happy in her job, Makeba wants to go on her own but she has to weigh this decision against being a single mother of two who has another job. She has neither the time nor resources to invest in her own institute.

Makeba conveys this concern to a friend, a math teacher, who has been using On.Live for several months. Using video chat, she has been tutoring a group of tenth graders for external examinations and has been using it to supplement her main income. She is seeing a growth in her clientele and has set herself a target of one year to quit her job and become a full time tutor through accumulating enough ONL tokens. Makeba takes her friend’s advise and signs up. She advertises her product and procures enough clients to eventually go on her own.


Even more Advantages

One might have missed it, but the above example shows other ways in which On.Live is revolutionizing the online broadcasting space. A closer examination of this use case will show that it is bringing several fundamentals together on the blockchain. That is: live broadcast, live services, transcoding and relay node market.

But it does not stop there. If one were to delve deeper into On.Live’s offering, it would be possible to see that other advantages exists for those utilizing this platform. Let’s take face-to-face contact. In the offline world this is a must. Not only is it not always possible but it can also be expensive. What if, for example, I am in the Japanese countryside and I want to learn French but the closest teacher is in Tokyo? In the offline world one would have to make the expensive commute in order to learn French. There is also the problem to the tutor where s/he would have to work for an institute that would pay him/her far less than what s/he is offering. Now, by using HD technology and PPV both teacher and pupil can save time and money by using On.Live.

An often overlooked shortcoming within the present online broadcasting space is the issue of free speech. The accusations of censorship from many of the big players is well rehearsed. On.Live eliminates this concern. Therefore, anyone can set up their channel and say what they want without fear that advertisers and overlords will impinge on their right to express themselves. The flip side of that, however, is that if one builds a large enough customer base, s/he can court advertisers to increase revenue. Of course, this will be on his/her terms, hence, it will not affect a person’s revenue stream too much if for some reason an advertiser pulls out.


Potential for Growth

One can go on at length about the advantages of signing on to On.Live, however, there is not enough space. One can only hope to bring things into perspective by quoting their whitepaper which shows that the online broadcasting space will reach over USD 123 billion by 2024. That is a mind-boggling sum. The fact that the middleman will be eliminated means individuals will gain control over their product and by extension their lives. Think about that, On.Live is giving you access to a multi-billion dollar industry.

An anent that. This is no fly by night initiative. It is already up and running. The video takes the user through the stages to show you how it works and how you can sign on. Because the pre-token sale is finished, you may not be able to take advantage of the 30% discount, however, the ICO starts on March 11, 2018 and there will be a 20% discount on offer.

The Team

What is a project without a team? Nothing of course. But On.Live has more than just any team. The members are an all-star cohort that covers all the bases where expertise is concerned. It would be natural to think that the team led by Chris Rybka is merely an IT or telecommunication team. However, this is not the case; this team, which has years of combined experience covers all the bases. This is from financing, to administration, to law, economics and other areas that would make for a successful enterprise.

It is also a team that had the foresight to build their product on the ethereum platform; one of the safest, most user- friendly ecosystems on the blockchain. Building ONL as an ERC20 token will make migrating to the blockchain a lot easier for the uninitiated because he/she will not become bogged down with cumbersome aspects of the platform. Plus, why reinvent the wheel when the spokes are well arranged?

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