Dogezer--Breaking Down the Barriers for Software Start-ups

in #cryprocurrency7 years ago (edited)

The barriers to entry in any space is, for many people, mainly a financial one. Whether it be the traditional way of doing business or whether it involves setting up shop on the world wide web. As if that is not bad enough, there is the added pressure of procuring the tools with which to work, and a team of competent people to hire in order to execute one's idea.

Pertaining to the software startup space, these problems are more often than not, multiplied tenfold. This is because software falls under the high-tech knowledge-based industry where there is a dearth in people with the skills needed to develop products. As such, working within this space can be daunting, even for the initiated. Whether it be on the technical side or the financial aspect or both, the fact that many are not able to finance their product and bring technically competent people together on one team means that many great ideas fail.

One can only speculate as to how many projects have gone belly up, did not make it past the initial stages or did not even get beyond the point of conception because innovators were despondent due to lack of financing.

Video Summary

Dogezer Saving the Software Start-up Space!

In what can be described as an inverted pyramid of sorts, Dogezer, using the Saas solution, has turned the conventional concept of financing and executing a software startup on its head by connecting: “Entrepreneurs, Software Engineers, UI\UX Designers, Artists, Salespersons, Marketing Specialists and all other individuals involved in the creation, promotion, and support of software products of any kind.”This new generation platform allows all these groups to “collaborate on the products they believe in, and collectively share the fruits of their labor.”

Why this Approach is so Different?

Dogezer goes beyond merely being an integrative platform, because it solves the bigger issue of financing, among the other hiccups that accompany the space. We know that with problem-solving comes change. So how exactly will Dozeger facilitate this change?

If one may, it is important to elaborate on the issue of financing and illustrate how it will facilitate change. The need to have money up front is eliminated by Dogezer. Instead of having to raise funds to bring one’s ideas to fruition, an innovator or creator, using Dogezer, creates an idea then seeks funding for it.

The question as to why this is so significant is premised on the notion that, a creator; not having to worry about where and how to get the money will make people less hesitant to innovate. Dogezer is quite aware that many people just do not have the money to bring that idea to fruition, not only because they do not have that financial background but also because accessing finance through the traditional avenues, example banks, is next to impossible, especially for people who have no collateral or backing from say, a guarantor who might be financially well off.

But say, that a few do qualify for financing, the fact is that many will be mired in debt, and at a time when one should be seeking to grow the business, he/she is thinking about how to pay the debt and the massive interest rates that accompany it.

And because there is that added pressure, the owner may never realize the true potential of the business because so much of one’s energies will be concentrated on wondering if the debt collectors are gonna come knocking.

Furthermore, even if one is spared the indignity of being hassled by creditors, there are other ways in which a software developer might have to deal with a money lender. Say a project was funded by a is the possibility that financiers maybe asking for quarterly or monthly reports to make sure they are getting value for money. The financiers, in this case, would be the middlemen, who, of course, would receive a huge chunk of the revenues.

In summary, after the “teeth pulling” effort of not only coming with and working on the project but having to share the profits, we see how the need for Dogezer becomes even more pressing. This is because Dozeger eliminates the investors and brings people directly together to create a product.


And Even More Incentives

But the ingenuity does not stop there as the platform, acts as a networking space. This means that if the creator lacks not only finances but is also looking for a team of technical experts, they can get brainpower within the Dozeger ecosystem to execute their project by pitching their ideas to people who are themselves operating on the platform.

The effects of the aforementioned approaches speak to how Dogezer is facilitating change in the software startup industry. What will jump out at the uninitiated is the fact that there is no need to have a team in the planning stages of a project.

This is not to say that the team is an afterthought or that there is never a need for one. The amazing thing about the Dogezer approach is that it gives the creator/innovator the ability to sit with his/her idea an flesh it out before soliciting assistance.

Those of us who have ever worked in a group knows it can be a bit difficult. And here the old adage that “too many cooks spoils the whole broth” becomes a mantra. In this regard, there is no reason to believe that more and better products will not be made from sitting by one's self in the initial stages and fleshing out the idea.

Remember, that one of the guiding principles of the Dogezer ecosystem is that the creator has to pitch his/her idea to people who will have to have confidence in the project in order to invest their time and energy in whatever concept is being pitched to them.

The software startup space is riddled with substandard products. The fact, that one has to sell one’s idea in order to gain investors, means people will have to bring their A Game. In this regard, Dozeger will assist in improving the quality of the product offerings in the software industry.

Let us put it in perspective by employing this Use-case Scenario. It is about Joshua; whose father is a cowherd who lives near the Serengeti ecosystem. At 17-years-old, Joshua is in college school, paid for by his father’s sale of milk and that of a few cows annually. This is in addition to a scholarship he won to study software development and ecological conservation. His thesis is geared toward seeing how he can use technology to save the game in the ecosystem from poachers.

Growing up so close to the Serengeti, and being intimately connected to the area, he decides to make a game based on the place. He decides from the outset that proceeds from the business would go towards wildlife preservation in the park.

The name of the game is Big Cat Catch. The aim is to have people hunt game online instead of real life. Joshua has had this idea for a while, however, he was not able to execute it because lacked funding for his project. Furthermore, he was not too keen on working with people within his cohort because they had other engagements.

Recently, Joshua has become immersed in the crypto space where he found out about Dogezer. What he sees is rather encouraging, and might I daresay delightful.

Realizing he does not need funding upfront and that it is possible to pitch his idea on the platform to develop a team, Joshua goes ahead with his project. After this he develops his project, he writes the project vision, then he plans the revenue stream. He then maps out how he is going to share the revenue. He is given the green light and so is able to develop coins specific to his project.

There is another problem, however, he is not good at 3-D imaging; worse, he has not a clue where marketing is concerned. Two things he needs for a successful project. Fortunately, he is able to find people on the platform who are experts in marketing and 3-D imaging. Joshua brings them on his team and goes ahead to consolidate the project. He manages to sell the project and donates some of the profits to assist in conservation efforts.

Road Map


Team Dynamics

Building the game on the Dozeger platform was great for the team dynamics. This was because they were not working for a financial overlord who was forcing them to meet a deadline and hence produce a substandard product. They were working for something greater; the preservation of another ecosystem. They did this by working on another wonderful ecosystem, Dogezer.

Hence, the product was much better because it was well thought out and well executed because the time that would have been spent writing up quarterly reports and developing a sales pitch, Joshua spent it, instead, developing the project with his team. Dozeger made this possible.

The Dozeger Team

The yardstick by which we measure a good team is not only by their expertise, but by the extent to which they have put those expertise to use. Originating from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia and led by CEO Alex Kozlov; the team “has experience working with companies like Kyocera, Sony Ericsson, Ford, Hyundai and Jaguar.” It was these years of industry expertise they used to assemble the all-star team that has already created a fully functional alpha.

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