What is money and what is crypto?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryprocurrencies7 years ago (edited)

Many times we simply can not explain so obvious things as energy, time, money......

We live with them and curiously we are not aware, that we many times don't comprehend them. Time is phenomena that measures a span of our life. We have a fixed amount of time to spend it in our life. But what is time rely? Is it a sequence of moments or it is a flow of some mysterious stuff? It runs steady or it can speed up or slow down? How about travel to the future or the past?

Just questions spurting many possibilities. 

The same story is with energy. Can you touch energy? From where it comes and where it goes? To what it can transform?

Maybe good ideas for some new interesting posts.

Money is not less mysterious than time and energy. People comprehend it in many ways. A lot of them are weird even bizarre.  

By definition money is medium of exchange which is scarce, portable, fungible, divisible, easy to carry and have intrinsic value. This definition is simple to understand except in one point.

Does money have to have intrinsic value? In my opinion no. It can not have any value at all, if it is just a medium of exchange and the price in money is just a promise to get some value of that particular price. 

But anyway we assign intrinsic value to money, to define its purchasing power and this power is variable. It can go to zero if money is not scarce any more. This is a healthy function of money invented in early societies maybe before fire, writing or even language.

But as we advance and develop first civilizations money become an instrument of power over the people. In the early kingdoms and states king mint coins and order his citizens to use them as money. In the beginning economy flourished and wealth start to accumulate in society. The king took his share as taxes to finance defense, roads, public works, science and everything goes fine. When king collect enough wealth he start wars and conquer his neighbors. War is not chip thing and drain wealth from society. King start to mix copper with gold to mint more coins, dilute moneys intrinsic value, finance more wars, mint more coins until money is worthless. Inevitable collapse follows.

This pattern is repeating through history over and over again. It will repeat now also with fall of fiat money which intrinsic value is almost value of toilet paper. Banksters producing money from thin air and flooding loan money to the governments to finance state. Ordinary citizens must work in tears and blood, to earn enough for living, paying taxes whit which governments repay their debt. 

Such kind of money is evil and enslaves people!

But now new tide floods ground beneath governments feet. After born of internet 25 years ago, new wave of technology make this happen. Blockchain and its first implementations in Bitcoin and spread into alternative altcoins give birth of decentralized money, which is owned by nobody, it can't be shut down. First time in our history we ordinary people have a chance to exchange wealth freely without intermediaries as trusty third parties. The trust is based on consensus build into blockchain technology.

Banks are out of game. Bankers are doomed. Governments can't collect taxes on internet. Internet become cyber global state where any human being on this world is welcome. Now free people of the world have a means and power to transform our world into better place where governments will serve us not the other way around.

Money will become a language of crypto currencies, tokens, flying miles and many other assets that can you imagine. We will start a new cyber deal, new economy of free people.

This is real revolution. We must just peacefully stick to this new inventions and use them to conquer governments to suite our needs.

And all will be fine.


Image source: pexels.com

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