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When the day comes, you'll be one of those who will be chosen :D

This would be an amazing entry to comedy open mic too. Have you heard about this contest before?

I can't imagine that anyone would blame an adult person for these signs. I must say that you're not that good at drawing and it does look like it's a work of a little boy/girl :D so you're fine and I'm sure that you won't be suspected of these deeds :D

I guess it lasted three weeks until it was discovered behind the calendar as it was a new month, wasn't it? :D I wouldn't touch my calendar until the next month either :)

Great story! Good luck with the contest! :)

Have a nice weekend :)


Knowing a little about the Great Old Ones, being chosen will not end well for me...
I've heard of open mic, but my ability to talk in English is comparable to my ability to draw the Derleth's Elder Sign, so I must decline the suggestion...
The Elder Sign is described as a "five-pointed star that has been distorted along its lines and contains an eye-flame symbol in the center". The fact I draw them so bad is partially due to my try to make them "distorted".
Last time I checked, the one behind the calendar was still there...
Thank you for reading my delusions, have a nice weekend you too

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