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RE: You're at a BBQ with a few friends. You stop in front of the kabobs, decide against having any. You turn away to go sit down. Your friend immediately turns to you and says quizzically, "You didn't want any kabobs?". How do you reply?

in #crowdini5 years ago

I answered

“No. I mean, yes. You’re absolutely right.” “I’m allergic to kabobs.” “Once I start eating kabobs I can’t stop, and I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of my friends.” “I like my kabobs burned beyond recognition.” “I’m protesting to see how long it takes for Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga to finally get together.” “These kabobs were still moving on the grill.” “I gave up kabobs for Lent. Where I come from it’s still Lent.” “I’m part of a research study to see how many weeks I can go without consuming a kabob.” “I don’t eat anything that ends in BOB.” “I’m donating mine to the local food bank.” “I only like weenie and pineapple kabobs. They remind me of my childhood.” “I don’t eat kabobs. I am...a vegan...a communist...a whatever du jour.” “I brought a doggy bag. Save me one.” “I’m fasting.” “Do or do not. There is no try.” “All I could see was that poor little kabob face staring up at me, and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.” “I’m on a special diet and can’t eat kabobs on days that end in ...DAY.” “It’s none of your damn business.”

Yeah, I see your dilemma. There is no good answer to a question posed in that way. Plus, kabobs are considered a special treat (aren’t they?). Everyone wants skewered things on a stick (don’t they??). Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
You need to find better friends. (Joking...I’m joking.)


It was a "Yes" or "No" question!

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