Nearly at 300 followers on Steemit! And an idea for a crowd funding tag on steemit.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #crowdfundme7 years ago (edited)

This means Steemit is quickly closing in on my largest following on any social media so far! My record is about 600 at one time.

With that said, you may notice that I am powering down at this time. This is because I am preparing for the possible advent where I will be dependent on my Steem currency to buy food and pay bills. I do have some buffer currently and I don't see myself reaching a point of rock bottom but I will need to be extra careful in the coming days where I am going to be getting my game on to Valves Steam Early Access.

I may explore the idea of doing a crowd funding style post once a month where I show off progress of my indie game. I wonder if this is an idea that others have already explored. Perhaps a tag like crowdfundme or something like that could be an interesting chance for people with something cool to show off to maybe ask for donations.

So basically what I would do is show a super detailed list of the games major progress. "Here check out my cool game!" "Here is a detailed list of all progress I made this month!" (8) (7).gif

I imagine it would be really cool to have a tag like this. Allowing people to make a fairly formal post once a month. Anyway I am just tossing this idea out there. It would be really cool if something like this could be feasible. But in all honesty I think that its more up to the whales than it is for the minnows. I do think it would be awesome in general to have the ability to up vote and support cool things that people are working on.

All I do know is that I really want to finish my game. A project like this is something I have wanted to do for most of my life. Any help I can get will be very welcome!

What do you guys think of the idea of a crowdfundme tag?

Also its pretty cool to be so close to 300 followers! I hope people are enjoying my content! Anyway, see everyone again once I am moved! Maybe I will be over 300 followers when I return! :D


Sorry to hear your having a little bit of a hard time. I really hope things get better for you. Have you thought about doing any pre-ordering for the game?

I think that Steam early access technically is like a pre order.

I think having a tag like crowdfundme would be really nice. There was a guy who did a post to raise funds to build a small cowering space for blockchain... As the concept of steemit is to support each others it would be a really nice thing to do!

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