Want new @croupierbot features? Help me build + prioritize my to-do list.

in #croupierbot7 years ago (edited)

Seems that after some tuning, @croupierbot is finally running stable , fast enough, and without missing mentions.

There is still a list of features missing that I might implement if (potential) users of @croupierbot tell me they want them.

Below I lost my current list of features that I think would be useful. If there are things missing that you would like to see in @croupierbot, if you have any thoughts as to how features should get prioritized, or if there are things on the list that you think are bad ideas, then please comment and let me know.

Reputation tracking

The price money argument of the @croupierbot invitation post is currently not actually looked at by @croupierbot. The idea is that @croupierbot could keep track of this argument in order to do reputation tracking of lottery organizers. Keeping track of payouts to winners, failure to pay out or delay in payout of more than, say 48 hours.

Weekly usage (+reputation report)

Currently @croupierbot updates a status page a few times each hour. Lotteries are not reported on. It might be useful for croupierbot to post a weekly usage report, optionally also reporting on reputations.

Resteem blog posts

For people interested in competing in @croupierbot lotteries, it might be useful if @croupierbot was to resteemblog blog posts that mention @croupierbot or use croupierbot as a tag.

Upvote winner

Not sure if useful, as @croupierbot is not meant to accumulate Steem power, but @croupierbot could upvote winners.

Auto lotteries

Responses and status posts are set to pay out in SBD only. The idea is that whenever @croupierbot accumulates $10.- SBD, it shall use that to run its own lottery on someone else his/her page. Still need to work out the details, but the goal of these lotteries would be to support minnow fiction authors.


Next to lotteries, @croupierbot could be made to role a set of dice.

Deck of cards

Next to lotteries, @croupierbot could be made to provide a page with a deck of shuffled cards.

Shuffle contenders

Not sure about this one. But possibly, contests as the one organized by @bigpanda might benefit by a @croupierbot shuffle-contender function, returning a shuffled list of upvote contenders.


I am asking you as (potential) @croupierbot users. Are there things missing from this list of desired features? Are there things on it that shouldn't be? And if the list is OK? What feature should take priority? What are the top most value-adding features you would like to see implemented?

Please comment below. I will be running a $2.5 SBD @croupierbot lottery on this post, so your input might also win you a little price.

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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68148.22
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67