
Thank you for your participation! Yes, your answers were received and saved with the time stamp. All answers will be evaluated after the contest ends. I'll make a post later announcing the results along with the answer key.

Thanks again for your keen interest! Do note that this is a weekly crossword and I try to host it every week. Please keep an eye for the next one too. It was my pleasure to see your entry.

Hello @therovingreader!

Congratulations to you! You had won some whaleshares as announced here. I'm still waiting for your Bitshares / Open Ledger ID. In case, if you don't have one and ain't interested in creating one, then kindly send me a link to a recent post which you would like to get upvoted through whaleshares.

And I'm excited to tell you that Crossword Puzzle No. 5 is going to be posted in next couple of hours. Check the details and Hint post here meanwhile. Get ready as this time we have the biggest ever prizes on offer.

Thank you! Awesome to see all this participation.

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