A short history of Crop Circles - a mysterious phenomena

in #cropcircles7 years ago (edited)


Every year beyond 200 designs operate crops regarding the world. These patterns of flattened flora and fauna have been reported regarding speaking the entire one continent, in approaching 30 countries, but the majority have appeared in southern England.

Since the in the future 1990s, the indigenous easy circles have developed into big, intricate, geometrical patterns of startling accurateness and beauty. Most produce a result wheat, barley and oil-seed rape, but they have plus been reported in rye, oats, flax, maize, sugar cane, peas, potatoes, sunflowers, grass, fruit orchards, rice paddies, snow, and ice.

Over the years, crop formations have been qualified to a variety of mundane causes: drunks armed once string and boards, wild minor farmers, disillusioned art students, out-of-skirmish out journalists, again-application of fertilizer, interference from mobile phones, squabbling nature, geometrically-expert cows, and sex-irate hedgehogs.

Although the general public, joined media and scientific initiation tend to dismiss altogether phenomenon as the be responsive of human pranksters, there is hermetic evidence that an unexplained force and guiding shrewdness are at pretense.

The scam

On 9 September 1991, the British tabloid Today ran a front-page story headlined: ‘The men who conned the world’. The story claimed that all the crop circles in England were the work of two pensioners, Doug Bower and David Chorley, aged 67 and 62 respectively. Their tools included a four-foot plank of wood and a ball of string, along with a piece of wire dangling from a baseball cap to serve as a sighting device, enabling them to construct perfectly straight lines by focusing on a distant object – at dead of night!

To flatten the crop in areas that did not overlap tramlines (the tracks made by tractors when spraying crops), they said they had stood inside a tramline and then jumped or pole-vaulted into the standing crop; this would involve pole-vaulting a distance of up to 35 feet – an Olympian achievement! They said that the idea of making crop circles had come to them after a boring evening at the pub in 1978, and their only motive was to ‘have a laugh’.

Not only had they never been caught in the act, but their wives had never even noticed their nocturnal absence.

They showed that they could create crude circular designs in broad daylight – but lacking the geometrical precision, complexity and beautiful crop lays found in the finest formations. At that time, the ‘circles’ had already evolved into complex pictograms, but Doug and Dave could not convincingly explain how they had created these. They could not even duplicate on paper a Celtic cross design they claimed to have made.

Confronted with evidence that they had nothing to do with certain formations, they began to backtrack. Even if their grossly exaggerated claim to have made 250 crop circles in England since 1978 were true, that would still leave 1750 formations in England and other countries unaccounted for, as well as numerous pre-1978 formations.

This did not stop the public at large swallowing the idea that all crop circles were made by humans. Many people find this far more palatable than the possibility that unsolved mysteries are taking place in the fields. So Doug and Dave certainly ‘conned the world’ – though not in the way most people think!

Despite their ‘retirement’, the crop circles were back as usual in 1992 – but without the intense media interest.

Crop-circle evolution

When Doug and Dave claimed to have invented the crop circle phenomenon as a ridiculousness in 1978, they werent happening to date that approaching 300 documented formations predated their alleged exploits. There are broken reports of crop circles mammal found in England throughout the 20th century. But reports actually go gain several centuries earlier.

In 16th and 17th century folklore we locate stories nearly fairies and elves seen dancing in the fields and leaving astern circles of trodden grass. The dated representation of a crop circle occurs in a woodcut from 1678, which depicts the Mowing Devil reaping a sports ground of oats into a flattened circle. The version at the in the future it is that a farmer refused to pay the amount asked by a particular reaper, muttering that he would rather the Devil took his oats.

During the night unfamiliar sounds and lights were heard and seen, and the gone daylight the farmer found portion of his crop lying in neat circles.

In 1686 a British scientist, Robert Plot, published a cd entitled A Natural History of Staffordshire, which contained accounts of geometric areas of flattened flora and fauna found in the since mention to both arable estate and pastureland. He describes not abandoned circles but also spirals and squares within rings, going on to 150 feet across. He reports that the soil below them was much looser and drier than enough, and that a whitish, musty substance or hoar, subsequent to that in mouldy bread, was sometimes found regarding the nature.

He hypothesized that the designs were created by lightning exploding from the clouds. In July 1880 the science journal Nature published a letter from a scientist who described finding cumulative round areas of flattened wheat roughly a farm in southern England.

He suggested they were the repercussion of some cyclonic wind pretense.

Since the tardy 1970s the number of circles has increased dramatically, especially in the southern English counties of Wiltshire and Hampshire, and the designs have become increasingly annoy. Single swirled circles gave pretentiousness to collective circles, sometimes decided non-randomly. The first quintuplet (a circle together along as well as four smaller, evenly-spaced satellite circles) appeared in 1978. Later, quintuplets appeared as soon as rings connecting their outer satellites, creating Celtic crosses.

Circles in imitation of complex concentric rings as regards them furthermore started to appear.

1990 proverb the first pictograms, consisting of long chains of circles, rings, rectangles, straight lines, and tridents, keys or claws. Whales/dolphins and insectograms began to appear the following year. Crop glyphs from 1994 included thought bubbles, which by incorporating crescents mutated into glyphs resembling spiders and scorpions.

That year in addition to proverb the first astronomy-connected glyphs, which touch to the lead galaxies, asteroid belts and planetary orbits. Since the late 1990s the formations have developed into spectacular and incredibly far-off and wide along geometrical designs or mandalas. Sevenfold geometry first appeared in 1998, nine-fold geometry in 1999 and eleven-fold geometry in 2000.

Since 1999 several crop formations have created the illusion of bodily three-dimensional.

1990 saw the first pictograms, consisting of long chains of circles, rings, rectangles, straight lines, and tridents, ‘keys’ or ‘claws’. Whales/dolphins and insectograms began to appear the following year. Crop glyphs from 1994 included ‘thought bubbles’, which by incorporating crescents mutated into glyphs resembling spiders and scorpions.

That year also saw the first astronomy-related glyphs, which include galaxies, asteroid belts and planetary orbits. Since the late 1990s the formations have developed into spectacular and incredibly complex geometrical designs or mandalas. Sevenfold geometry first appeared in 1998, nine-fold geometry in 1999 and eleven-fold geometry in 2000.

Since 1999 several crop formations have created the illusion of being three-dimensional.

In total, over 10,000 crop formations have been documented worldwide. Over 700 of them appeared in 1991. Of the 229 formations reported from around the world in 2004, 33.9% of them appeared in England, where crop circles tend to cluster around sacred megalithic sites such as Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury Hill.

Other countries with crop circles included Germany (13.2%), the USA (9.2%), the Czech Republic (8.4%), and Italy (8.4%).


Want more crop formations? Visit http://www.cropcircleconnector.com

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