Outdoor Projects are One Thing...

in #cringe6 years ago

...but recording them is something else, especially when you don't have help. Yesterday, I had help, but today, I was on my own. Fortunately, I have a GoPro. Unfortunately, I can't get the app on my phone to work to use it as a remote, so I can't see what the camera sees, and my latest video of the project doesn't show too much of my work. Every time I go to use this bloody camera, it's always a huge fight with the unresponsive piece of junk, I've won that fight only once, and the only thing I can do that reliably gets the camera to respond is to throw it halfway across the yard. So, I came up with some nice pictures to put in between my horrible, nearly useless footage, to, hopefully, keep my audience somewhat entertained:
Vid react 1.PNG
Vid react 2.PNG
Vid react 3.PNG
Vid react 4.PNG

That would be the highlight of my latest BitChute video. There is some footage at the end taken with my SLR camera, but that's not from while I was working, obviously. There is a link to the first pond-related video in my last post, and you can find your way to my next one, which I will title "I hate my GoPro." I can't include a link now, because the video file is 4GB, and probably won't finish uploading to BitChute until after midnight. I'm not breaking my new "post a day" rule just for that travesty.

Hopefully, I can either get a camera operator or figure out how to make the bloody app work the next time I decide to film work on the pond. You're missing out because of my stupid tech problems. If you use a GoPro a lot, and you have some input, please let me know. Not even the Geek Squad has been able to help me, because I asked them to wipe the camera and set it back to its factory defaults, and yet my test footage is still intact. Seriously, this contraption is one step away from starring on the hydraulic press channel.

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