Which crime is worse bacon or murder?

in #crime7 years ago

December 8, 2017-

A Florida man was sentenced to 15 years in prison after smashing windows and lights with a machete and leaving 3lbs of bacon at the door of the Masjid Al-Munin Mosque in Titusville, Florida. The plea deal included hate crime enhancement added to the increase sentencing.

"The intent is to really deter similar kinds of hate crime. After what we've seen in Texas at the church, this is needed," Imam Muhammad Musri, who oversees a network of mosques in the area, told the newspaper. I doubt this is going to stop it but okay if you insist.

Meanwhile in Ohio, a Akron University student was sentenced to 3 years in prison for killing his roommate over fast food.
Police said the friends were drunk when they got into an argument about fast food they were eating at their off-campus apartment last December. So what does any druken college student do to settle the dispute? Stab the roommate.

Both were white in this case so we can't say racial injustice was given here and the Florida man did have a vast prior history of crimes being committed which would increase a sentence maybe. Does anyone else not see the outrage in this?

15 years for smashing windows and bacon seems a stiff penalty even with hate crime added to it. A guy gets drunk and stabs his roommate over a Chik-fil-a sandwich gets only 3 years and can get out in 6 months? Serious, what is going on in the criminal system? I just don't get it anymore.




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