Crime in a Free Society

in #crime7 years ago (edited)


First of all we have to define what constitutes a crime and what should not. Well obviously, if there is no victim there is no crime, or in other words only crimes of aggression are actual crimes, everything else is just Government imposed nonsense.

  • For instance is jaywalking a crime? Well according to the government it is. But in a free society who is the victim? Well you are if you are hit by a car. But since you own yourself, obviously you are not a slave, you do whatever you want with your body, and you accept the consequences of your actions.
  • So jaywalking is not a crime in a free society, because there is no victim other than yourself, but those are your own risks that you have to deal with. In a collectivist society of course if you are hit by a car, the healthcare cost goes up, because of socialized healthcare. So the victim is the healthcare payer since you are just a slave that is managed by an overlord. But this is a false premise, since the individual is the root of society, and without this slave collectivist system imposed on us, you are the only victim.

Ok so crime in a free society are only the following:

  • Rape
  • Murder
  • Assault
  • Theft

Everything else should be permitted. And what constitutes a crime should be determined by a big enough jury, as I proposed earlier:

And enforcement can be debated, either a voluntary police force like a neighbor watch or something similar, but definitely the community should choose and fund it voluntarily. Nothing should be forced down people's throats.


I would also argue that prisons are completely unnecessary, in fact are quite harmful and in some cases achieve the exact opposite to what they are intended. So a prison should be a rehabilitational institution, like how it's also called a "correctional facility". But in reality they do the exact opposite. People are either put to death sentence, or they are life imprisoned, but those that serve a smaller term, are actually recruited in bigger gangs there. So your average prison is full of gangster life, sometimes the prison guards are in on it. It's a vicious cycle.

Like if you go to prison for 1 year because of drunk driving, then after 1 year you become a human trafficking gangster. So it actually achieves the exact opposite of what it is indented for.

My proposal to fix the prison system is simple. Well first of all you have to let go everyone who participated in a nonviolent crime, so drug dealers, items smugglers ,etc... are not criminals in a free society.

Ok now you are left with the real criminals: murderers, rapists, serial killers. How to deal with those?

Well it's hilarious what kind of BS guys like Molyneux have proposed with this DRO nonsense and ostracism. Yeah like how a serial killer can be ignored by the community, according to his ostracism strategy. Total nonsense, Molyneux is just full of shit, and not just on this but on other topics as well.

So here is what you can do:

  • Execution: I would totally avoid this option. Because if you just start murdering people, then you are nothing better than him. So humanity will quickly go extinct if we apply this rule, because then everyone has to be killed. So execution of prisoners is not an option.

  • Penal Colony: The most effective and straighforward answer, and the one that can actually be accomplished logistically, is to just put all prisoners on an island, and quarantine that island off the rest of humanity. Like how Australia was originally a British Penal colony. You can either rehabilitate the criminal or you can isolate him from society. In this case isolation is fairly simple.

  • New Identity: Technology is already showing us that sociopathy present in serial killers is just a brain disease. So with advancement of medical science, this could be treated. There is technology coming in the future that will enable us to erase memories. So basically you can just treat the sociopath, and then erase his memories and give him a new identity. This would be essentially like an execution, but without murder. If all of his memories are erased, then it would be like living a new life without any memory of the past life, relocated to an entire other part of the world, maybe with some plastic surgery given a new outlook as well. This might sound costly now, but in the future this could be done on an assembly line pace with the future technology.

  • Atonement: Last but not least, atonement should be an option as well. For example it might sound ridiculous now, but if you think it through rationally, anything can be forgiven after enough time and effort. So if somebody did grevious harm to you and your family, then maybe you should be allowed to enslave him and make him make up for his crimes. So for example if somebody has beaten you up that you ended up in a hospital, now in return he should be your slave for 1 year, to make up for his crime of assaulting you.

These are the options that I can think of right now, maybe there are better solutions out there, but certainly the current solutions are not good, so we must always look for efficient solutions.


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Nice post

I don't think crime will be a problem under a not ruled by force paradigm, why would somebody want to screw up paradise?
As long as we are ruled by authority lashing out violently, we will continue lashing our violently as normal in our daily lives.
It's just the way things are done.

As for the small percentage of folks that still use violence I say let the locals deal with it however they see fit.

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