Scuba Mike - US Attorney Kept From Investigating Election Fraud By Bill Barr

in #crime3 years ago

Trump just dropped a big bomb on the DOJ and that big fat turd Bill Barr. I saw somewhere, someone mentioned Trump should have never hired an establishment person like Barr....that is exactly what I thought at the time Barr was announced to replace doless Jeff your instinct.

If there is one criticism I can levy against Trump, it is a fact he hired the wrong people....he must get people in who are outside the exceptions. This is why no criminal Democrats went to jail, Big Tech was not put back in it's place, and Trump associates (Roger Stone, etc.) were persecuted unjustly. I hope he does not repeat this mistake. If trump gets back in, there can be no olive branch extended....he must act quickly, ruthlessly, without mercy and fear. It has to be done this way to end or at least significantly suppress the corruption, crime, sedition, and treason. Yes, folks...the death penalty must be used in some of these cases.

I think some of these treasonous Democrats know the death penalty is a possibility....this is why they are going for broke in their attempt at a total authoritarian takeover.

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