
in #crime7 years ago

​The video was deleted. You emailed me. You told me to delete a video. I deleted the video. I should not delete those videos but I deleted those videos for you. It is too bad that you are acting like a bully. How much money is Soros CFR paying you to attack the USA and nationalism and MAGA Make America Great Again and fair use and the whole world?


2017-09-23 Saturday 2 PM ICT Saigon, Vietnam: JOEYARNOLDVN

But the video had a commentary and was there for educational purposes and was part of a test and was in a split screen and therefore it was not exactly what you claimed it to be. You made a false claim.​ Please review fair use again. You made statements, legally, that are in fact false.

I deleted the video as you have asked. You asked me to delete the video before Tuesday, the 26th of September 2017, this year, this month, and I did today, Saturday, the 23rd, of September 2017, and I am recording this on YouTube, live stream, and Facebook, Periscope for Twitter, and on my hard drive, and other places.


My videos do not violate the terms and does not violate copyright laws and infringements and everything. However, you and others claim, falsely, that they are, but they are not. Historically, there is a history of these cases. You might as well work for MSM. Oh wait, CBS is MSM, part of the swamp. The world is fighting back against MSM. We are going after Google, Facebook, and others. That includes CBS. You get money from Soros and Soros worked for Hitler. McMaster works for Soros and is in the CFR and Bilderberg and the NWO and other things. We will continue to fight for individualism and nationalism and patriotism and freedoms and rights and capitalism and we are fighting against corporatism, monopolism, plutocracy, technocracy, oligarchy, Satanism, Luciferianism, Communism, Socialism, Rothschild, Soros, Rockefeller, NWO, EU, NAU, CIA whom created FACEBOOK, FBI, IRS, FDA, TPP, NAFTA, NATO, and the UNITED NATIONS (UN) is very bad too, and the shadows are very bad.
2017-09-23 Saturday 2 PM:


My video is protected under fair use. That is a thing. CBS is breaking the law by going after me. Legally, I am fine. However, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others, like the Clintons, like Obama, Bush, Soros, Rothschild, Bill Gates, Mark of Facebook, and others, they are breaking the laws.


cid:[email protected]

51 W 52nd Street

New York, NY 10019

September 22, 2017

Via Email

[email protected]

Dear Mr. Arnold,

We write on behalf of Showtime Networks Inc. (“Showtime”), owner of certain exclusive rights to, among other things, reproduce, transmit, and replay the live pay-per-view transmission of the Mayweather v. McGregor boxing event that took place on Saturday, August 26, 2017 (the “Event”). We submitted a claim to YouTube in reference to a video uploaded by you (

) because it contained unauthorized use of content from the Event.

We would like to inform you of some matters regarding your use of the Event. Showtime owns certain rights to the Event. Due to legal and contractual considerations, we are obliged to protect the intellectual property rights relating to the Event and, subject to laws, to protect against unauthorized copying and distribution of the Event on sites such as YouTube.

We have reviewed your appeal and the video at issue. Unfortunately, we must disagree with your statements that your postings qualify as fair use. Please note that using copyrighted material without authorization from the copyright owner constitutes, among other things, copyright infringement and can also result in the termination of your YouTube account. For more information about copyright issues, please visit Copyright on YouTube located at:

We do understand that you would like to maintain your YouTube account in good standing and would like to avoid any penalties that may have resulted from our notice. To resolve the issues raised, we propose that you delete the aforementioned video from YouTube and refrain from any future posting of content from the Event or Showtime. Once this has been done, CBS will agree to withdraw its claims against the video which should resolve any penalties on your account resulting from our claims. If you agree with this proposal, please send us an e-mail by no later than September 26, 2017, stating that you agree to withdraw the appeals and delete the video.

Nothing in this e-mail shall be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any right or remedy possessed by CBS, all of which are expressly reserved.


Fair use is a doctrine originating in the law of the United States that permits limited use of copyrighted material without having to first acquire permission from the copyright holder. Fair use is one of the limitations to copyright intended to balance the interests of copyright holders with the public interest in the wider distribution and use of creative works by allowing certain limited uses that might otherwise be considered infringement.





We submitted a claim to YouTube in reference to a video uploaded by you (

) because it contained unauthorized use of content from the Event.


But fair use allows for this.




We would like to inform you of some matters regarding your use of the Event. Showtime owns certain rights to the Event. Due to legal and contractual considerations, we are obliged to protect the intellectual property rights relating to the Event and, subject to laws, to protect against unauthorized copying and distribution of the Event on sites such as YouTube.


But fair use allows for unauthorized copying. Read the law. Read the law. People do not know law. They want to trick us. They want us to think we are dumb.


Like when they said only MSM can read WIKILEAKS.


They always lie.


CBS was helping HILLARY WIN.






Russia was also helping Hillary win too. Many in Russia wanted Hillary to win and they did a lot of things. Many were hacking from Russia, China, and around the world. It happens all of the time. And some of them are for the NWO and stuff.

2017-09-23 SATURDAY 2 PM MD NH HCM:






CBS Legal Online Enforcement

Email: [email protected]


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