Epstein and Ancient Ritual

in #crime5 years ago

Most have not yet grasped how big a deal this thing with Jeffrey Epstein is.

Logic indicates that something substantially more complex and worse than ordinary garden variety pedophilia and perversion have been in play in the case of Jeffrey Epstein and his island. That is, you have to ask why guys like Bill Clinton would go to that much trouble and expense for anything they could easily enough find at some trailer park in Arkansas or wherever.

Qanon describes the situation thusly, for starters at least:


The author(s) of that little twitter post correctly note that Epstein's island is very far from prying eyes in the US while simultaneously being close to Haiti and several other places which somebody like Epstein might view as an unlimited supply of children who nobody would be likely to miss...

Lionel Nation notes that the astonishing and horrific scope of the Epstein affair is beyond the ability of most people to comprehend and that many will not believe the story for that simple reason.

There is also the problem that the kinds of activities which Epstein is now being accused of simply do not belong in the modern world. In fact those are practices which originated in a bygone age in attempts to recover or regain a supposedly paradisial Saturnian golden age.

It would be exceedingly helpful for people to read Troy McLachlan's account of that age and of the kinds of practices which arose from those efforts as this would at least provide some glimpse as to what Epstein's activities have been about and where they come from:



Understanding this material involves what is called "Saturn Theory". All ancient religions were astral in nature; the ancient pantheon gods were originally just cosmic bodies. Primitives seeking to devise an astral religion from scratch in our own age would invariably end up worshiping the sun, the moon, and possibly Venus. However the two chieftain gods of all ancient religions were the two former dwarf stars, Jupiter and Saturn and particularly Saturn. Vestiges of that ancient reality still surround us. We still call our sabbath "Saturn's Day"; the main religious festival in ancient Rome was "Saturnalia"; Plato consistently refers to antediluvians as "Nurselings of Cronos/Saturn"; classical authors including Hesiod and Ovid refer to a "Golden Age" when Cronos (Saturn) was "King of Heaven". In the same language, our sun is the "King of Heaven" now.

Beginning around 7000 - 12000 years ago, our solar system experienced a series of catastrophes including the disaster which killed off the remaining American and European megafauna, the flood mentioned in Genesis 7 and other ancient literature, The disaster which Greeks associated with the tale of Phaeton and which Isaiah 14 refers to in claiming that Venus (Lucifer, son of the Morning / morning star) had once destroyed the cities of the Earth, and several others. The proximate cause of all such was the final capture of several bodies which had not been part of our system originally. A description of the role Saturn played in the Biblical flood:


At any rate, attempts to recapture the supposedly paradisial age which preceded the classical catastrophes are what is behind satanic practices both in ancient times and in our own age. As Troy McLachlan describes, those practices never died out and are still with us, as you note in the case of Jeffrey Epstein.

A week and a half or thereabouts ago, President Trump turned the FBI loose on Epstein, basically just pulling the pin from a grenade and tossing it into the snake pit to see what would happen.

He has basically handed us a 40" Louisville Slugger with which to beat the life out of the deep state, the Malthusians and "trans-humanists", most of the rogue "elites" and globalists and fat cats and big shots of the world, if only we can summon the brains and courage to do it.

Anybody with any involvement in Epstein's business should be looking at spending the rest of their lives in either some max security prison or a hospital for the criminally insane. And, certainly, nobody with any involvement in any of this should ever be holding any sort of a public office.


Epstein flight logs. For starters, nobody whose name or initials appear on this list should be holding any public office. Epstein, now in custody, could easily provide names for the initials:


Epstein also heavily involved with "transhumanism".


Transhumanist experimenters complain of the difficulty of procuring human subjects in sufficient quantity....

That is, imagine the joy and delight on their faces when they learn that there is a very wealthy super-pervert who owns an isolated island and has an essentially endless sort of conveyor-belt type supply system for young children who are nearly untraceable and who will never be missed other than by people living in shanties and mud huts.....

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