Is Bill Clinton a Sexual Predator?

in #crime6 years ago (edited)

Ex President Bill Clinton is back in the news promoting his new book out on the road. Last night a small group of asleep zombies showed up at Bass Concert Hall in Austin Texas and actually were willing to pay Clinton 300 bucks to get a book signed. Ironically five people paid the 300 bucks to publicly question Clinton about his Rape accuser Wanita Broaddrick, his 26 trips on the Lolita Express, his abuse of underage girls and other issues.
A new Rasmussen poll released today says 53% of Americans believe ole Slick Willie is a sexual predator who has gotten away Scott free with crimes that would put any of us common folk behind bars for over 20 years. What a disgrace this country has come to, power elites play by a different set of rules (no rules) and at the same time elect the judges who inforce those rules upon us!
Every single time a Patriot asks Bill Clinton how he can explain ditching his secret service detail multiple times to get on Epstein’s plane to Lolita Island, he blows them off as a crazy insane drug addict and refuses to answer the question. Epstein is a CONVICTED PEDOFILIA & CHILD MOLESTER, why would a World Leader hang out 26 times with such a person in the first place? To me this one fact alone (26 trips) makes all of his stories and lies un believable including the rape of Broaddrick and sexual harassment of several others. Normal law abiding people do not hang out with CONVICTED sex offenders.
To me the whole dang family is a disgrace to human kind all over the world, as close to direct work for Satan himself as you can get. Tell me in the comments below if you think this man is really the sexual predator that 53% of Americans say he is. He better hope I never become an appointed Supreme Court Judge because my verdict would be to hang both Bonnie AND Clyde Clinton from the Statue of Liberty and let their skeletons dangle for 100 years as a remberance to others on how far we are willing to go when you are a sexual predator and you and your wife commit multiple acts of treason against America.
You two ain’t fooling nobody.....your day is coming Clinton’s, and it’s gonna be worse that you ever imagined.


Wow, good thing bernie sanders ran against her, or he might down vote you, and I totally agree. Normally people don't hang out with child molesters.

One thing is for sure, if the Clintons would join Steemit, they would just have to dip their toes in the reward pool in order to rape it

FIRE all MSM since the day the Clinton Sex Scandal broke, leading to a Presidential Impeachment, that reported it as the Lewinsky Scandal!

Lewinsky was consensual sex. He just lied under oath. The rest of these allegations are way worse than Monica....who he never apologized to formally.

yes, he is sex-predator, I have heard of him before that he is famous in the molest girls and now the 53 % of America thinks the same way, he is proved to be a jerk, he should be given a hard punishment for his acts.
if he brought to punishment? The crime rate for those who are powerful will be decreased.
thank you.

@broncnutz All aboard the 'LOLITA EXPRESS ' : Flight logs reveal the many trips Bill Clinton ,Alan Dershowitz and Prince Andrew took on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's private jet with under aged girls !!!!!!!!

You think that it’s corrupt all the way to the Vatican with pedos?

I don't think so.todays world rumors spread than air.but its true that claps never occurs with one much as i know him,i think he is a good man but it can be that my knowledge is incomplete.the ex president USA's book has much info and thats good.
after all,i respect everyone's perspective view...
tnx man for sharing...

It can't be true that Bill raped several women, including underage girls, and Hillary knows about it, I mean, I just can't believe it. I'm not from the USA btw.

Oh it can be true....just nearly impossible to prove or punish.

Bill Clinton got punished and impeached. This shit is old news. There's no reason to keep going to Bill clinton.

Really? So if he really did this which we will never know because he is protected.....we should just shut up about it and never question him again? What world do you live in brother????? Rape and child abuse is not ok at all in American society, and it should not be ok in yours either. This is NOT “old news” because the new pols came out today.

I'm 100 percent agree with you @broncnutz, Rape and child abuse can't be tolerated anyway, he should be given the strong punishment that other's will not even think of doing these shit.

That's a shame, not for one person, for all who is living in the country. if he found guilty, he should be given a strong punishment!
i think he should be hang till death.

Buenos dias amigo @broncnuz, buena información siempre estoy al pendiente de tu blog, tus post son excelentemente buenos saludos.

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