20 More Kickass And Creepiest Places on Earth

in #creepy7 years ago

Here are 20 More Creepiest Places on Earth

  1. Cincinatti Subway System, USA

In the early 1900s, Cincinnati was one of the top growing U.S. cities. They had already expanded beyond their borders and needed a mass transit system, but estimates for a new subway were around $12 million, but they only had $6 million in the budget. Rather than rethinking the project or opt for an alternate system, city planners threw caution to the wind and went ahead with a modified version of the $12 million plan anyway, until they ran out of money a little over halfway through. Most of a basic subway network had already been dug out and built, but then the city found they had no more funds to actually put anything inside it.

  1. Scott’s Hut, Antartica

In the winter of 1911, Robert Scott and his men left the relative safety of their base camp, a 50-foot-by-25-foot timber and seaweed hut, and set out on a mission to reach the South Pole. Scott and his four companions managed to attain the pole in January 1912, but discovered that another team had already beat them to it by more than a month. Scott’s party dejectedly began the 800-mile journey back, but before reaching the safety of their hut, the entire group perished in the ice.The hut that Scott was so desperately trying to reach was abandoned and completely forgotten for about 40 years, until a U.S. expedition dug it back out of the snow. The building was found perfectly preserved by the cold, right down to the tomato ketchup.

  1. Lome’s Voodoo Market, Togo, West Africa

Voodoo is an actual, legitimate religion that many people still practice it seriously. It is especially popular in Western African countries like Togo, and its capital, Lome, is home to one of the largest markets of Voodoo paraphernalia in the world.”

  1. Chuuk Lagoon, New Guinea

The Chuuk (or Truk) Lagoon is a large atoll north of New Guinea. Back in February of 1944, the U.S. Navy launched an attack on the Imperial Japanese Army called Operation Hailstone. It was one of the most spectacular battles of the Pacific theater. By the end of it, thousands of soldiers on both sides were dead. Weapons, machinery and the corpses of the soldiers are forever entombed at the bottom of the Pacific. And they are still there, left untouched, just as they were nearly 70 years ago.

  1. The Tomb of the Sunken Skulls, Sweden

In 2009, archaeologists were excavating the bottom of a prehistoric dry lake bed in Motala, Sweden, when they stumbled upon the foundations of a mysterious stone structure sealed at the bottom of the ancient lake. They eventually unearthed animal bones, stone tools and, 8,000-year-old skulls of 10 people, ranging in age from small children to the elderly. They then found an 11th skull buried deep within the ancient mud of the lake bottom with fragments of one of the other skulls lodged inside it’s cranium.

  1. Griffith Park Zoo, Los Angeles, USA

In Griffith Park, Los Angeles, you can find the abandoned ruins of the old L.A. County Zoo. Rather than demolishing the place when the new one was built, the city opted to leave it open for the public as a kind of museum of the rusting, empty cages and rotting enclosures.

  1. The Kabayan Burial Caves, Philippines

Located in the northern Philippines, the Kabayan Burial Caves were first discovered accidentally by a logging crew clearing a local mountain slope. Once they checked inside, the loggers found hundreds of skulls and strange little walnut-shell-like coffins. Cracking open the coffins revealed scores of mummified remains of the Ibaloi people.

  1. Muynak, Uzbekistan

This impossible ship graveyard is located dead smack in the middle of what looks like a desert. It is all that is left of Muynak, a city in western Uzbekistan. Many years ago, hundreds of ships used to dock at this bustling fishing port by the Aral Sea, but over time the water in the world’s 4th largest lake just dried up after Soviet diverted the water that fed this lake.

  1. The Largest Mass Cannibal Grave, Germany

Dr. Bruno Boulestin and his team were digging around the site of a 7,000-year-old village called Herxheim when they uncovered a human bone, then they pulled out another bone from another set of remains, and another, and another — 500 bodies in all. The bones were covered in bite marks. All 500 showed “markings similar to those found on the remains of animals that have been spit roasted.” They found cuts in the human bones from the meat being scraped off, and most of them broken open to dig out the marrow.

  1. Abandoned Russian Laboratory, Russia

A group of Russian urban explorers discovered a sealed building full of disused lab equipment and strange little glass jars. When they wiped the dust off, they found pickled brains in the jars, sealed up in an abandoned laboratory beneath Moscow. It was a long-forgotten relic of the Cold War, a secret Soviet installation that had been hastily abandoned for no apparent reason. There’s no specific date listed, but one of their finds was a weathered image of former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev gathering dust beneath a preserved, disembodied brain in a jar.

  1. Mayan Hell, Yucatan

The Mayans believed that hell was a very specific place located in a network of underground caves beneath the jungles of the Yucatan. What researchers have found are an ornate system of caves full of ancient temples and crumbling pathways that eventually lead to a giant column on the edge of a deep, dark pool. Littered all throughout the site, they have found the remnants of statues of priests, ceramics and human remains.

  1. Chernobyl Amusement Park, Ukraine

Naturally, it is in the Ukraine, at the site of the Chernobyl incident. Unlike most of the other abandoned amusement parks in the world, it didn’t close due to financial losses or fatal accidents. No, the Pripyat park never actually opened. It was scheduled to be opened on May 1, 1986, but unfortunately, the world’s worst nuclear accident happened five days before the grand opening.

  1. The Moscow Metro-2, Russia

Supposedly, it is a secret, government-built subway system paralleling the actual Moscow Metro, but much larger, and one that goes to a bunch of places the official version doesn’t, including the Kremlin, secret airports, military installations, nuclear bunkers and even Stalin’s old private residence. It’s also much deeper than the actual Metro. The normal system runs, at its absolute deepest to 276 feet, whereas Metro-2 is said to run to the somewhat insane depths of up to 600 feet. It now lays abandoned.

  1. The North Yungas Road, Bolivia

Also known as El Camino de la Muerte or “Death Road”, this 60km track was built by Paraguayan prisoners in the 1930s and takes fearless motorists from the Bolivian capital of La Paz to the town of Corioco. Traffic travels in both directions, but the road is rarely more than three metres wide and there are no guard rails. Heavy rain and fog often add to the danger, and one minor miscalculation can mean a fall of up to 600 metres. The road has claimed thousands of lives, and crosses mark many of the spots where vehicles have fallen.

  1. The Glore Psychiatric Museum, Missouri, USA

The museum takes its name from one George Glore, who in the 60s, put his patients/inmates at the St. Joseph State Hospital. There are life-size replicas of some of the most horrific psychiatric practices from the last few centuries. The result is a weird and terrifying excursion through the minds of a hundred lunatics, displaying patient art which ranges from sophisticated to insane.

  1. Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, South Korea

Located in Gyeonggi, Korea, the story of this abandoned psychiatric hospital reads like a textbook plot of a horror film. According to local legend, patients started dying mysteriously at the hospital 10 years ago, eventually forcing its closure. It is now an abandoned, dirty building with only the most disturbing remnants of its former life, such as rusted wire fences and disintegrating examination chairs.

  1. Bell Witch Cave, Tennessee, USA

The cave on John Bell’s property in Robert’s County Tennessee is weird. According to legend, it is haunted by a spirit (or a witch) that is looking for its teeth. In the 1800s, the spirit mainly focused its attacks on John Bell and his daughter, leaving them both bruised by the violent interactions. Additional incidents included, unaccounted for knocking on the door and windows and more disturbingly, the sound of choking and strangling could be heard along with chains dragging and heavy objects hitting the floor.

  1. Bhangarh Fort, India

Bhangarh is a ghost town in India that is famous for its historical ruins. It is in the Rajgarh municipality of the Alwar district in the state of Rajasthan. It is now mostly a deserted town supposedly after it was cursed by a tantrik (person practicing black magic). It is infamous for its fort that is believed to be haunted. There are many legends as to its history and reasons why the fort still is haunted. According to legend, the city of Bhangarh was cursed by the Guru Balu Nath, who sanctioned the construction of the town on one condition, “The moment the shadows of your palaces touch me, the city shall be no more!” When a descendant prince, Ajab Singh raised the palace to a height that cast a shadow on Balu Nath’s forbidden retreat, he cursed the town. Balu Nath is said to be buried there to this day in a small samadhi. Local villagers say that anything constructed there collapses and no one has returned, who has spent a night in the fort. The board put up by the Archeological Survey of India that read, “Entering the borders of Bhangarh before sunrise and after sunset is strictly prohibited,” was later modified due to controversial reasons. The ASI has still not taken steps to explore the tehkhana (basement) of the fort. The people even do not speak of the fort due to fear. It has been tagged due to various experiences by many people over years as, “The Most Haunted Place in India.”

  1. The Devil’s Kettle, Minnesota, USA

This is an unsolved geological mystery. In Judge C.R. Magney State Park in Minnesota, the Brule River flows toward Lake Superior. On its way to the lake, the river is split in two, forming a pair of waterfalls. Pretty, right? But here’s where things get strange. The eastern waterfall behaves normally, flowing into a pool and then continuing on its way. But the western one spills vast amounts of water into a huge, mysterious hole the Devil’s Kettle and completely disappears.

  1. The Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Located in Lithuania, The Hill of Crosses is a Catholic pilgrimage site that was established in the 1830s. It is thought to contain at least 100,000 crosses and giant crucifixes, and has been described by Pope John Paul II as a place for hope, peace and love. You wouldn’t want to spend the night here alone, however.


what the hell are these places....
the creepiest place was The Kabayan Burial Caves, Philippines...

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