in #credits5 years ago (edited)


The creation of different technologies has truly shown that the world is on the path of elevation and digitalization.

Digital technologies like the Blockchain and its smart contract is a true evidence of how rapid the world is advancing.
And a layout of its unlimited benefits means a great deal for the world, as it is meant to revolutionize the entire sectors of the world.
Irrespective of the fact that the world has advanced greatly from the advent of technologies, we can't overlook the fact that these digital technologies are not enjoying much of adoption.
A greater part of these new technologies which are supposed to be used in positively affecting our lives, by improving businesses and other systems, are failing on this.

This is because the world is unable to apply the use of these technologies in our everyday lives, and so is unable to tackle real live issues,making it utterly useless and unbeneficial, because it is not just enough to develop technologies which cannot be used to solve problems.

Overtime, this problem has persisted and seems not to be going away because there is no reliable alternative to it.


Credits is a platform which is designed to apply the benefits of the recent technologies, to our day to day lives.
It is a fully decentralized, open source, high speed software, that let's its users incorporate the use of the Blockchain technologies to the regular activities.
Credits platform also makes it possible to send out tokens, loyalty points and even other financial assets, seamlessly, by making use of the Blockchain technology and smart contract.
The creation and storage of created data is made easy and fully secured, with the use of these technologies.
So the different systems of the world are bound to experience a great boost and improvement, with the Credits platform helping them make use of these technologies.


With a platform like Credit, the benefits of these new technologies such as the Blockchain, will be brought to actualization, as it creates room for businesses and different systems to make use of, and experience its benefits in operation, at a very fast pace.
It adopts the use of a new consensus algorithm called the Proof of Agreement (PoA) and a recent data transmission protocol, to help the various systems, fill adopt the Blockchain technologies.
Credits helps in the development of different decentralized apps used to tackle real life problems, with unbelievably fast and security features.
Let's look at the,

  • FAST PROCESSING SPEED is one of the great features of the Credits system, as it doesn't take an unnecessarily long time to process and confirm a transaction.
    Unlike other digital systems, where the users have to wait an awfully long time before their transactions is confirmed.
  • HIGH PROCESSING CAPABILITIES is another unbeatable feature of this system.
    It handles up to a million transactions in a matter of seconds and still doesn't break down.
    Isn't this great?, now user's transactions do not have to be on a queue before the could be processed, which is exactly the case with other systems.
    Credits platform is design with the security of the users at heart, and so is made fully reinforced, against the reach of any hacker and security threats, with the help of the Byzantine fault toleration algorithm.
    So credit can withstand and security issues thrown at it.
    This is another great features of the Credits platform, as it costs almost nothing to carry out transactions on this platform.
    This is a total contrast of the regular systems, which charges an exorbitantly high rate for a transactions.
    But Credit charges about $0.00001 per transaction, in CS (credit token), for a transaction.
    All these are just a piece of what Credits Software makes available for users.


With all these, it is obvious that the Credits platform is exactly what is needed by the different systems of the world to fully enjoy the benefits of the Blockchain technology and other prevailing technologies.
Due to its nature, design, usability and benefits, alot of systems are already choosing the Credits software to help them utilize the Blockchain in solving one problem or the other, which in turn boosts their performance.
Upon full adoption of the system, the world will experience true revolution in every aspect.

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Image credit to credits website

Article written by Tccrypto

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