How to Improve Your Credit - Infographic

in #credit6 years ago (edited)

I found this infographic on how to fix your credit & I thought I would share some information that I found very useful, I will also include the link to the infographic for you.

Fixing your credit is not rocket science but what you must do to fix it is really quite simple; first of all, you need to see a copy of your credit report so that you can see what is on it. When you are fixing your credit it is important to explore your complete credit report.

Addressing issues that are there is vital and well help you improve your credit score quickly
If you find some errors then you need to dispute them and get that incorrect information corrected it is not a problem to dispute any incorrect or negative remarks that are inaccurate on your credit report.
Here are some useful tips:

  1. Avoid making late payments on your current accounts.
  2. Make your payments early for your current liabilities.
  3. Cut down on your expenses and eliminate what is not needed and if you can pay with cash instead of credit cards.
  4. Avoid adding more debt to your credit, make a budget and stick to it.
  5. Do not max out your credit available on your credit cards try to stay under 30%
  6. Lower your credit limit on your credit cards.
  7. Avoid settling your debts to collection agencies.
  8. Do not open any new lines of credit.
  9. Limit the number of credit accounts that you have and pay off the smaller debts if possible.

Getting a secured credit card is a great way to control your expending because on a secured card you only have as much credit as you have paid into the account.

Making payments that are on time or early is essential for you to rebuild your credit and using a secure credit card is a great way to help your credit score as all those payments will be reported to the credit bureaus.

If you can follow this basic guideline which are not that difficult and once you look at your credit report and if there is some error in it than fixing them as soon as possible is the perfect way to start your credit repair.

By getting a secure credit card and re-establishing your credit history, this is vital to improve your credit score, these secured credit cards are not difficult to get but are the very important thing to have.

By making your payments on time will greatly improve your credit rating, make sure that all of your bills are paid on time.

If you can get into the habit of paying your bills early again this will improve your credit rating plus it will also lower the interest payments that you make.

Please look at the following infographicinfographic as I believe it is very helpful.

How to Fix Your Credit Infographic

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