Of you, Creatively yours...

in #creativity6 years ago

We live in a world of fast-paced development and creative solutions that we see across all industries from tech, medical to industrial. These are happening all over the world and we can see each of the latest advances spread through all of the different platforms and media.

Consumed consumer

It is easy to get the view that we are part of a technological revolution, which is true. For example, hang around Steem a little and one can very quickly build understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology and because of the way Steem is designed, actually take part in the economy itself.

Though for most of us, across all of these different fields of development, we are consumers, not active creators. But we feel like we are as recent generations are making leaps and bounds. In actual fact though, it is only a very small percentage that create the innovations, the rest are user-level only.

I don't do, I eat

There are several factors for this of course but I think one thing that limits active involvement is because of a societal shift in how we evaluate ourselves. We now define ourselves on what we consume, not what we create. This shift means that we are less focused on how we get the resources to consume and more on the consumption of the resources themselves.

In the not too distant past, a person's value would be tied to what they could bring to the table skill-wise, through their job and trade is how they spoke about and described themselves. Now however, it is through enjoyable entertainment interests that many people speak and that is nearly always through a consumption of other people's creations. It may be gaming, TV shows, social media, movies, music or a plethora of other activities that seem to continually bite into our time reserves.

And this continual pull on our attention comes with an opportunity cost of the investment into skill development or other activities that offer more personal value. There is of course a place for entertainment but, should it be the main source of fulfillment?

Fill 'er up

Fulfillment is an important concept and is quite easy to explain the basic idea in my opinion. Fulfillment generally requires some kind of meaning of action or thought, the reason to do something at all. And then there is the ratio of skill to challenge where the challenge pushes the skill to its edge and makes it stretch past the outer limits occasionally. Lastly, some kind of feedback loop where the process continually evaluates to increase the challenge as required.

The problem is of course that entertainment is continually providing the conditions of fulfillment and the enjoyment of advancement through a host of various manipulative mechanisms that draw attention. The core of this issue is that for the most part, these aren't creative pursuits and most of the skills are not transferable into real world application other than that which feeds the entertainment machinery.

Creator or Consumer

In many ways, we have been trained to act like this as the western education systems are continually removing creative subjects and driving memory based components. If I was a conspiracy enthusiast, I would likely come to the conclusion that we are being trained to increasingly consume instead of for any practical application. Perhaps this is because at some point, most will be unable to work anyway as a machine or AI will perform so many previously human-performed tasks.

But, in the interim before algorithms do all tasks, there is a changeover process that will give rise to a lot of turmoil and job loss and those that negotiate and benefit from this the best will be the creators, not the consumers. The life of a consumer is always capped and bound by what they are able to consume, whereas the creative life has an uncertain ceiling.

Free to do what we are told

Currently, as their is a homogenization of entertainment through global distribution and platform, pretty much all consumers are consuming very similarly. And if you are what you eat, this makes an enormous group very similar in preference and action which means, easy to target and control.

People talk about a decentralized system where people are free but, if the majority are eating from a centralized pool of entertainment that dictates preference, the way they act with their new freedom is essentially centralized also. Nothing will change and the same people, organizations and governments will maintain control as that is what the majority have been trained to accept.

In my opinion, the way out of control is freedom of the individual and that requires an investment into what that actually means. It cannot be just in the body. A flea can be trained by placing it in a jar and letting it jump and hit its head on the lid for a while. After a few days you can remove the lid and it will never jump out of the jar. If there are male and female fleas together in the jar, their offspring will never jump out of the jar either. Trained for cultural eternity.

Creative opportunity

What I wonder is if this is what entertainment is doing to our minds as we are sold the mental concept we can do anything, while simultaneously fed content that disconnects us from the possibility to actually do anything. A continual reinforcement of a conflicted position until that is all we know. We feel we are free but, we do not see the walls of the jar we have been trapped within.

There is opportunity though in what is happening and that is if one realizes what is going on early enough to break the cycle and rediscover their creative and skilled self in an environment of trained flees. It is then possible to make the choice 'to help other fleas out, or keep them in the jar. For me personally, the choice is a clear one and if you read my content, you will know which that is without doubt.

Creativity is more than art, innovation or musical ability, it is the process of fulfillment. It is the ability to discover what lies within and then find ways to best use what is found there. It is the quest to be your best at whatever you turn your hand to as an individual, rather than what you have been told to become good at within the group. Creativity is one of the core components that makes us human and drives our development forward. It is something that is in our nature.

Don't let it be programmed out of you, it is your birthright.

Creatively yours,

[ a Steem original ]

Posted with Steempress


" We now define ourselves on what we consume, not what we create. This shift means that we are less focused on how we get the resources to consume and more on the consumption of the resources themselves." i liked this sentence most than all, i think it resume everything about the concept that you explain, as a millenial i feel often consumed by what i consume and i feel poor of creativity, but it's open another topic, by the way i believe in the importance of a creative mind , i still have to discover mine, i felt so trapped in my past by my job and by my own mind and i am now in a process of "freedom" , i am seaching who truly am i and how to use my potential, if i have one :P

i feel often consumed by what i consume and i feel poor of creativity,

Take note, your experience of the world is being eaten as you feed. Creativity isn't constricted by a dull job, it is the mind part that needs freeing.

I cannot function well, if I haven't created today at least something. But most people probably can't even imagine themselves as creators.

The reason I'm a creator is that my parents were creators so I think family upbringing is very important.

Leading by example can actually help produce more creators. When people in our circles start to see that it can be done, then some of them will also try their hand at creating instead of consuming.

Doesn't mean they will stick to it, doesn't mean the old habits won't come back but it means there is hope and game theory might play a very important part here.

Then it could actually be fun and safe to create and share with a bunch of strangers.

Posted using Partiko Android

The reason I'm a creator is that my parents were creators so I think family upbringing is very important.

I think this is a big factor too as well as parenting style in general. Some parents keep kids entertained, some push kids to entertain themselves. Kids are creative by nature unless stunted by culture.

When people in our circles start to see that it can be done, then some of them will also try their hand at creating instead of consuming.

I hope that I am having some influence here in some small way.

Doesn't mean they will stick to it, doesn't mean the old habits won't come back but it means there is hope and game theory might play a very important part here.

It is a process that often winds all over the place and sometimes takes some steps backward, a lesson in itself.

This is a great point. It takes a lot of introspection or external encouragement for the average person to realize their potential. We find at every turn fencing commands that limit our possibilities and often times those inmediately around us (parents, friends, teachers, priests...) are the one who better reinforce our (eventually) self-imposed limitations.

I like the example you used about the fleas in the jar, but I think that every generation of fleas breeds some "out-of-the-jar" flea that will find ways to challenge "tradition". Even within heavily restrictive authoritarian regimes, there will emerge creative people who will find ways to avoid indoctrination and will subvert the norms.

Even within heavily restrictive authoritarian regimes, there will emerge creative people who will find ways to avoid indoctrination and will subvert the norms.

The whole premise of The Matrix isn't it... ;)

I guess so :)
They must have gotten that from some chapter in our history.

All chapters in history and likely, many of the future ones to be written...

I would drink to that.
I've been working on a post on Venezuelan literature and folklore and the political issues that are incorporated at different times and I know that what happens in the 20-30s, after years of dictatorships and utter censorship and violations of human rights, will happen again.

It was unthinkable then for anyone without arms to even criticize the government, and yet a generation of students and profesionals found ways to influence the military, incorporate them into a civilian project and gradually put them aside, allowing civilians to take control of the government.

I know now young men and women in their 20s who know nothing but chavismo as a form of government and were told in school that Chavez was the best thing this land gave birth to, and yet they don't buy it and are looking for ways to get rid of all that ideological crap.
Creative minds always find ways to break free

You survived the first day. I am sure you weighing them all up.

It might be a bit of fun :)

I think it has always been this way - we have always been a consumer species. Don't know if it's getting better or worse today but it certainly is a lot easier to get carried away with meaningless fillers these days

I think in the past it was 'work or die' which essentially forced people to do a certain amount to live. The barrier of entry to live for many these days is much lower which is a good thing in many respects, but not all.

On the Ralph Nader radio hour the guest was saying the silicon valley elites send their kids to waldorf schools and don't let their children use iphones and tablets until they are older, they protect their children's creativity and independent thinking.

Marketing and corporations make empty vessels of us as their will.


There is no waldorf school in my house but, we don't let our daughter watch TV or use screens yet. She talks to her family on Whatsapp in Australia once or twice a week and I sit with her and we look at some animals on Youtube, that is about it. Most of the time, she is free to roam, play and make up whatever she wants to do. She enjoys it.

As I read this, I have been watching a movie with my daughter “Small Foot” when the Yeti’s discover that the sun is not a shiny snail crossing the sky but just a story to get the Yeti away from the humans... It is as if realities are set to hide the real one... “Good lies?” Maybe I’m just tired but the movie was creative for sure!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I haven't heard of the movie but 'good lie' is an interesting idea, where is the line?

It is when the chief of the village starts a musical part explaining that he has kept the truth away from the population because of the past experience of the Yeti with humans who persecuted them because they were afraid... It was a good movie.

Posted using Partiko iOS

People are smart, as a group they are about as smart as a box of rocks and follow what ever the trend is to get theirs. Shame

I would write more of a comment but I have to go to the trending page and snag a whale

I would write more of a comment but I have to go to the trending page and snag a whale

Will meet you there soon :D

So true. Tech jobs are and have been like this for years. We need to produce with skills.

Posted using Partiko Android

Most here stories about some wonder kid inventing this and another that, but the average does zero. The news we get is cherry picked from outliers, not the norm.

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