Happy Saturday full of colors!

I want to start my Saturday watching many different colors and so I took my colored old scarves out from my closet! I made these scarves about 4 years ago and I use them when I need (yes, sometimes I feel the needed to wear something really colored! ^_^) to stay warm and between many colors.

There's something better than start a Saturday wearing something that make you happy? ^_^

To make them I created many granny squares using my hook and some wool yarn skeins and I stitched them all together in a long stripes. My grandmother, when I was a child, used to crochet these granny squares to make some blankets for the bed, but I don't have enough patience to create enough squares for a big blankets and so I prefer to realize scarves with them ^_^

See ya soon


silvia beneforti

Crochet? That's my project back when I was 9 or 10 and had projects again with it when I was in high school. I got addicted to it for a while sometimes I just bring a yarn and a hook in my bag to pass time. :) It's been more than a decade ever since. Yahah this makes me feel old. ^^

You don't make you feel old, because I know also some young girls that do the same!!! ^_^

Hi my dear! When i see these granny squares i remind my grandmother, when i was small, she made many clothes for me like hate and some Gloves & Stockings, they was very beautiful and colorful like you made.
These great work I want to learn how i make them for my daughter but i don't know 🤷‍♀️.

Dear friend, I learned crochet (and knit too) thanks my grandmother, but I know there are many videos in different languages on youtube that are really useful to start this nice activities. Maybe they can help you to learn the first steps ^_^

wow Beautifull 😍

Why you insert a link to your content on the comments? Sorry, but it's a spam comment and this community don't appreciate spammers.

Thanks for suggestion .its not happen again.

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