Education System Serves Bureaucrats Before Students

Did you really enjoy going to school, or do you have terrible memories of sleepless nights trying to pass an exam? Your teacher said you needed Algebra to get a good job. My question is, how many doors were closed by the stress and anxiety they caused you be teach irrelevant facts and figures? Watch this video and give your opinion in the comments section.

We as a society need to stand up the the education system. What's is the purpose of making education about proving how good students short-term memory is? I mean short term, because many of the facts and figures students learn, will be forgot in a few weeks.

We need to force the educational bureaucracy to rewrite curriculum for the modern age. I'm ok with exams and test, but I think half the school year shouldn't have exams and tests. People need to feel relaxed to be motivated to learn. Instead the education system uses fear and expectation, and motivation. It's a very counterproductive approach for most students.

We should force students to engage in interactive learning. We should provide rewards when students put the effort into engaging in the content, instead of just proving they have the best memory on a test. We also need to cut back on homework. Get students excited about learning when they are in class, and let them have their freetime to have a social life outside school

Testing might motivate the strongest and brightest students, but the other students are drinking energy drinks, staying up all night to pass an exam. Most of the content they are going forget anyways.

The education system serves the bureaucrats, before the students. There is absolutely no need to teach advanced algebra to 95% of students in high school. They are doing more harm then good. If you're going to teach math, how about teaching them relevant math, like personal finance, and how to make important business decisions? How about giving them more case studies on economics, without testing them, so they are eager to learn useful information.

So I said we need to cut back on formal homework, but we should be giving them relevant homework instead. I would requiring students to participate in community projects, and social events, so they build self esteem and character.

I would rewrite the lax laws, and give credits to companies who mentor students, and let them observe how real-world business takes place. We also need to adapt to every student. If some students have trouble memorizing test, we don't want them to drop out of school, we want to provide them with educational alternatives to keep them motivated.

All this could happen, but the educational system is too lazy to change, they just expect taxpayers to keep handing over checks without any proper revision or review of their curriculum.


"There is absolutely no need to teach advanced algebra to 95% of students in high school. They are doing more harm then good. If you're going to teach math, how about teaching them relevant math, like personal finance, and how to make important business decisions? How about giving them more case studies on economics, without testing them, so they are eager to learn useful information."

Yep, 100%. People leave school being able to do all kinds of fancy equations but don't understand how a tax deduction works.

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