Spend Your Time, Energy And Resources On Creativity

in #creativity7 years ago

From nursery to primary down to the secondary school and the university. Reading, accumulating knowledge, writing journals and books. Nothing beats being creative in all spheres of life one can find him/herself. Everyone has 24 hours to do everything he has to do. The craziest thing in life is wasting precious time not being creative.


From my own findings, I realise that about 3/4 of the people I meet daily spend their time doing what will make them busy but not productive, you might wonder why I say that. Millions of spend time doing everything but accomplishing nothing. They wake up in the morning, stay in the newsstand and discuss politics, then they go to their friend's house to continue the discussion after which they come back to the house to take lunch. They then go to the coupon house to play bet and make noise with the guys only to go back to the house tired and stressed without accomplishing anything.

It is only a pitiable situation that these people haven't found something doing for themselves but they will always blame the government for their misfortune. They spend most of their hours doing everything irrelevant and nothing meaningful.


“A critic is a man created to praise greater men than himself, but he is never able to find them.” - Richard Le Gallienne

Nobody will build your future for you, they will only buils theirs. The different between a successful man reading a newspaper and others who read the same paper is that, the successful man makes the news while the others read what the successful one did.

This is meant to bring you back to your senses as there is little or no time to waste in life. You need to start making things happen.


Freedom from the myth of not having enough time is the first of the stations from which we proceed to an orderly life and the optimum use of time and life in general.

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