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RE: [BLOCK]CHAIN-LINKS (Notes from 2029 - Everything is Different, NOW)

He disturbs you because he can't not. That it happened means that it was impossible for it not to have happened; that it was not possible for it not to have. A thing which is possible can not be impossible. It is not possible for the past not to have happened; no "part" of the past can be accessed, & no amount of the 'but what if I'd only instead-ed' game can will change the present. All impossible things are equally impossible; no impossible thing can be
more-possible than any other impossible thing. He disturbed you because at this point right now (which is where you/he/she/me/it ALWAYS are) the disturbing has already occurred and has become the past so that for him not to have would be IMPOSSIBLE. Cause does NOT lead to Effect, rather Effects are the Cause of Causes. You are where you are bc it would be IMPOSSIBLE to be anywhere else and also be where you are. The present is where you ALWAYS are, and the present consists entirely of those things which happened because it was impossible for them not to have.

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