Taking a Jeans pants hem process - tutorial.

in #creativity7 years ago

The things go skrraaaa papapapapa, kipirab, pum pum, skiaa!

Ok I'm sorry i can't get out that song of my head.

Hello everyone!.

I'm back again with more stuffs, I was preparing this, and I hope you find it useful or something in some way.

Sometimes, I sew stuffs like cushions and skirts, but my most favourite thing to do is actually fix clothes, which is broken or whatever. my sew teacher used to say Sew it's a beautiful hobby but, it takes to much time and a lot of patience.

My brother bought some new pants on a store, but these pants are too long for fit him, so, he requested me to cut out the hem of these pants to fit him, he brough me also another pant which is the pattern, the guide.

ok this gonna be hard because english is not my mother languaje but i'll do my best.

Let's get started

First of all, mark the line reference of the guide pant, on the new pant.

For do that, I take care of two things, I marked it on red and green on the prevous image

1 (red): I take care of the hip of both pants stay at the same height.

2 (green): I take care this part of the pant, where all the fabric collide (i think it's crotch or Linguee, not sure) are at the same height too, like overlapping. PD: this one, I consider it more important because, sometimes hips aren't on the same high because of the desing (type) of the pant.

After that, I proceed to mark.

Also, I mark the other leg, using the one in the up as a refence.

For this pant in especific, one leg is larger than the other, I don't know, maybe industry mistakes

In case you were wondering, what I use to mark the line, I used a soap (yes, a soap)


Well, after marking the reference, I cut the old hem, leaving like 2 cm for folding later. Then, I folded to the inside on the linemark I did.

I pressed down the linemark using an iron.

OK Here the thing goes SKRRRAA... Here comes the real thing.

I unfold the fabric pressed with the iron

I fold it once.

I fold it again.

And then, I pin it.

And repeat all the process around the pants hem.

After settle down the hem, I use my sewing machine to stich it.

PD: I Had especially carefull on thick part, because sometimes the yarn brokes or even worst, the needle brokes :( so don't go fast on this part.

This is how it looks like.

PD: Use the same yarn color the pant brought from industry, in this case, the yarn was golden so I tried to use a quite similar color, so, it shouldn't notice to much..

As a personal note, I use to make this process for both legs simultaneously, so when i move to the sewing part, I do both legs one after the other is finish, and then, I have the final piece.


Again, I hope you find it useful or at least entertainment how I pinch myself with my own pins lol. that little things hurts.

Thanks for stay by and reading it in case you did it. xd

Have a nice day and we'll see you later!


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