in #creativity6 years ago

The fifth dimension of my creative process model is creative flow or expression. After initiating, researching, setting up your environments and rituals and engaging systems and techniques in a logical process we have reached the point of expression. This is the logical/cyclical model of creativity and has three more dimensions to move through, however - always remember that the model also allows for spontaneous/mysterious creativity. Creative flow of thoughts or expression can happen logically as the fifth dimension or spontaneously at any moment.
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In any case feel free to let yourself go full speed into exploring creativity. There is knowledge, insights and skills that all can be enhanced and developed. However you can surrender to creative energy and let it flow. Proceed with passion and express freely. Don’t hold back; be as wild and beautiful as Mother Nature herself. Write, paint, think, compose, let ideas come and go. Do. Act.
Allow energy to move through your life and know that any creative system or techniques can be improved and enjoyed to make the quality of life better. Learn to brainstorm with unfettered freedom. Imagine. Visualize. Feel Free. When you are finished take a break. No judgments at this point, just be free and celebrate creative flow however it manifests.

Imagine that you are able to get into a state of being that magnetizes flowing creative energy. Use images of magnets and electric coils or vortexes attracting energy into your mind. In lectures I have often said, “Let gravity be your friend.” This has a variety of meanings but in this context allow gravity to attract creative thoughts and energy. Visualize images of magnetic and gravitational fields drawing forth the energy to create what you want and you may be surprised at what happens with the flow of energies.
Consider inspiration as one of the states of being that initiates creativity and cultivate it. Inspiration is one of the most valuable states of consciousness humans can aspire to.
What is flow? Flow is moving energy and can be experienced in many ways. Flows of writing, dance, performance, thoughts, song, painting, physical sports, speech, playing music, etc. can all be experienced. Energy just moves through us and something creative often manifests.
What blocks flow and how do we overcome obstacles or blocks? Blocks can include egotism, opinions, judgments, incessant mind chatter and weariness. So be watchful and mindful of mental and emotional states that can slow or block flow. Changing your state of being is an obvious technique for moving beyond obstacles. Physical work is another way to break through negativity thinking. The important point to understand is that flow can be rare and cultivating ways to increase it and decrease the effects of blocks is wisdom. There are many ways to change your state of being and music, meditation and walks in nature are at the top of my list.
What do you do to change your state of being, Steemers? Know yourself and be mindful and you will continue to have an increasingly creative lifestyle.
All writing by Daniel Hime copyright 2018.

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