in #creativity6 years ago

EARTH! (2).jpg
Creative Systems - an initial description
A system is a method of expression; a technique is a way to improve the method. A creative system is the term for all the fundamental methods humans use to express themselves creatively. Let’s direct these systems toward our efforts to be more creative and to use creativity for personal growth. Systems are more general than techniques which are specific tools.
So how do we become more creative? Let’s consider creative systems. A creative system is any method for expressing or communicating. A system can be discovered and developed like mathematics or scientific inquiry. A system includes drawing, language, writing, music or movement. They are ways to express one’s creativity. Improving your understanding or mastery of any system will naturally benefit the quality of your creative expressions. Mastery can also benefit your understanding and expression in additional different systems as well.

A creative system is the method or vehicle through which creative expression flows into manifestation. There are many systems that are used for expression of creative energy. Here are a few of the systems and as always feel free to add to this list:
Spoken and Written Language
Music and Singing
Photography or Motion Picture Art
Building or Manufacturing (preceded by research, development, design and planning)
Acting or Performance Art
Scientific Methodologies

A key to greater mastery of creativity is study and practice of your preferred systems of expression – mastering your craft. Continually adopting creative attitudes will encourage progress in improving system skills. Dedication to continual learning and exercise builds confidence and skill. There are always ways to improve and expand upon and use creative systems. Challenging oneself to learn new systems is an excellent way to expand creative skills.
An example would be learning music in early childhood might help one understand mathematics. Learning to comprehend and use language, especially by reading, can help writing abilities.

From the days of the cave dwellers men and women have found many ways to express themselves and communicate. These communication or creative systems – writing, speaking, drawing, etc. all originated from primal creative desire and thought.
All systems or vehicles for creative expression can help us become more creative by mastering them. So this is pretty simple – we learn, study more, exercise or practice to enhance our creative skills in any system. This allows us to have a better natural flow to expression or thinking. Of course when we are able to feel freer and more confident our creative efforts can become better. Be determined to increase skills and knowledge in any of the many ways of expressing as a life long learning effort in your proactive lifestyle.

Creative techniques like brainstorming will be addressed in the next several posts. Creativity is fulfilling so Stay Creative Steemers!
All writing my own - Daniel Hime copyright 2018.


Great post!

I am intrigued to read your next posts on this topic. I know that when I have been most successful at brainstorming I have decorated an entire wall in my house with my ideas, images and inspirations instead of the classic poster board. If I use a wall instead of a poster board I am able to see how the ideas connect to others more clearly and build on them. The architecture of the ideas feel bigger because they are inhabiting a more expansive space. Imagination is expansive, isn't it ? :)

Decorating your entire wall? Wonderful! Did you know this was done many decades ago by Walt Disney's teams to show scenes or images in films and animated films? The Dean of Disney University called this "displayed thinking" and became whom I call "the grandfather of the creativity in business movement." That was Mike Vance and he wrote the book "Think Out of the Box." I met him through his son @markvance who is a prolific steemer with some of the best bird photography I have ever seen - among other posts. So Tracy you are in good company and I wish you all the best in your endeavors!

it just make so much sense, you know ?! I love the creative process. Especially how it changes as we evolve into different facets of ourselves as well as into working with different mediums. Endlessly fascinating. Thank you for delving into it and sharing your knowledge !

Great concise exploration of creativity

Thanks! I'm trying to edit many notes into clear writing - still working at it, but coming along.

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