Heart's Content (a short story)

in #creativity7 years ago (edited)

"What do you mean you're moving to Hawaii? I need you now mom!" She wanted to scream at her mother through the speaker phone. She could hear that asshole clanging and clattering dishes in the background, the water turning on and off every ten seconds or so. The cupboard doors closing with an annoying slap. Why doesn't he just leave the damn water on and rinse them all. Then put them on the rack and let them dry. Like fucking normal people!

Something lurched deep inside her, starting from the pit of her stomach. Grabbing her heart and lungs and crushing them into some dark foreboding fear she'd never really felt before. I'm alone, she thought to herself as the feeling settled into her heart, and then her mind. An overwhelming sadness choked off her breathing. Now, the familiar short gasps as she wrestled for air. Tears began welling up in her eyes and sliding down her cheeks like tiny rivulets along a low sloping slate roof, looking for the gutter two minutes into a downpour.

"Stevie...Stevie...sweet heart, we discussed this already. Stevie?...are you still there? Are you still there?" She could hear the frustration rising in her mother's voice. She couldn't deal with the tirade about to come and reached out to the coffee table and pushed the Speaker icon. Hanging up on her wouldn't do either of them any good right now. Sitting up this time she again reached out and compressed the volume function upward a little. She could still hear her mother, just not feel her so much.

She then reached for her favorite throw pillow from the armrest of the couch, the baby blue corduroy one with the pink braided fringe. She brought her feet from under the table, her long tanned legs rose up into a semi-sitting fetal position. Stephanie flipped the pillow onto her tightly pressed-together knees, letting her head sink into it. I can allow myself this cry she thought. A low moan escaped from her. As much as she detested her mother's all too frequent hysterics she couldn't really blame her.

The phone started a series of beeps indicating an incoming call. Looking up she saw Steve's picture, wearing that smirky grin she so fell for the first time they met. She swooped up the phone, all thoughts of her mother's leaving, that son of a bitch that was taking her away, exams...everything faded away. "Hi hun! How did you make out last night?" She listened with abated breath, the earlier sobs and tightness melting at the sound of his voice. "That's so fucking awesome babe! I can't wait for you to get here. Now hurry and you may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of me all wet and soapy." She smiled as she listened and then whispered into the phone close to her mouth. "I bet you say that to all the freshers." She giggled and let out a little squeal. "I'll leave the door unlocked then. Lover!"

His face faded faded from the screen, replaced by her mother's and her latest conquest James...the idiot. She pushed back the urge to go right back to where she was, just seconds before Steve called and clicked on the speaker again. She was talking to him about how upset she was. Something about putting off the trip. "Mom...mom...mother!"..."Oh there you are dear, why weren't you talking? Are you upset about something?"..."No mom, well yes I was. I mean I am. I have to go to class right now. Love you...bye" She ended the call before her mother could respond with the first salvo of the third degree. No time for explanations.

She tossed the pillow onto the coffee table and stood up. Pulling her raggedy old favorite Hello Kitty t-shirt up and over her head as she said aloud. "Did I just giggle at him on the phone?" and thought I hope he doesn't think I'm a snow flake. Giggling to herself again she hurried into the bathroom and started the hot water running in the tub and reached for her razor.


Part One of Heart's Content ...link to >>>Part Two <<<
photo and story copyright b.a.paul 7/21/17

It's a start Steemians...we all have to start somewhere.
Let me know what you think...and, yes, I need to learn editing. ;)


I'm engrossed. Sure reading part 2 right away 😎. You're one hell of a writer. I could literally feel the room and the drums of everyone's hearts. Made my morning.

Good of you to say so...been thinking I can't fit all that's in my mind in a short story...may rethink continuing.

There's some great emotional hooks, here! Well done!

Thank you for saying so @uniwhisp.
I'm wondering if you read the second part.
Working on the third part now.

I like your writing, it's otherworldy, it's streem of consciousness, it's psychedelic.
Good job my friend :)

lol...thanks man ✌️

It's a great first chapter dude, 100% upgoat.
DM me when there is more.
Can't wait.

Had to think about that one Percy...and you're right...a bit short for a chapter though...I think.

I'll see what I can do this weekend. <3

I need to know what happens haha 🌱
Great job!

Didn't someone once say 'always leave your fans wanting more'?

hahaha I think my job is done now then! ~smiles~

So true haha
Wishing you a very lovely weekend!🌷

It was a restful one for me...hope your week goes well. <3

A love the your characterization in this and can't wait for part 2!

Thanks Rose...yer a real peach! <3

Great start, eager to see where this goes

Thanks Muxxy...and for spotting the missing 'o' too ;)

My pleasure dude

Very good post

friendly advice if you want to succeed on Steemit...take the time to engage with each post that interests you...a thousand follows from "Very good post" will bring you nothing but a handful of sand.

read this may it serve you well brother . ✌️

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