What *Is* Creativity? What Is That *Thing* You Tap Into?

in #creativity7 years ago (edited)

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My Dear Steemians,
I want to talk to you today about creativity. What is it? What is that thing you tap in to? We all know that creating isn't merely technique and know-how and thinking. We all know that feeling of something flowing through us. And that's exactly what creativity is. It's a flow.

"This energy has no form or structure, yet all the forms and structures come out of it."

"True creativity arises from a union with the divine, with the mystical and the unknowable."

"Whatsoever you do, if you do it joyfully, if you do it lovingly, if your act of doing is not purely economical, then it is creative."

We feel our best when we're creating often. Everything we do is a creation, from sitting here at your computer and thinking thoughts to cooking your meal to putting together that brilliant Steemit article you're going to put together today that inspires and teaches others.

People who say that they're not creative say so because they've lost their meditative-ness, their connection with the field they come from, and they are not in the flow, but instead full of mind activity. It's not that our mind activity doesn't come into play in the creative process, but it's an attracting point, and through the opening of the valve to the field, we expand on the thoughts and the questions and receive fuller and deeper insight. Too much mind activity gets in the way of creativity. The creative flow is a balance of the right amount of mind activity and the right amount of relaxation, meditativeness, allowing, and receiving.

When we feel frustrated, we close off the flow. When we're really in the flow our minds and our egos really take the backseat.

The creative flow is really a nuanced state. You have to practice it often to be able to come in to it easily.

What is it? It is magical and mystical and vast and infinite. We can only know it by tapping in to it ourselves and attracting our little piece of the field.

Every day I draw a card from one of my tarot decks to help my Steemians be successful, happy, well, on purpose, and their best selves. This post was inspired by drawing from the Osho Zen Tarot deck.


Image 1 Source, Image 2 Source, Image 3 Source


I also love this post, I am tryinh to re-open my creative side...I have felt like I lost kt a bit recently, but dig deep and looking for inspiration, and revelation.....

For me it is breathing. I observe it and its connection to thoughts I'm having and listen without judging. Then I start to change directions in creative ones.
Thanks for sharing your vision!

Breathing just works great for everything, doesn't it? :)

It does, yeah!

Creativity is truly the essence of life.

Yes! We ARE creators!

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