BANGER OF THE WEEK: Serious Creativity

It's one of those. One of those books that gets its hooks into your cornea and pulls so hard that it blinds you, and then is nice enough to give you a completely new set of eyes that opens vistas hitherto unseen. By that I meant that I enjoyed and learned a lot from this book.

First is the subject of "why be creative" and "what people think about creativity" and it's strange what a massive number of preconceptions we have about creativity that have nothing to do with the reality. Also noted is the fact that non-creative thinking is evolutionarily the most cost-effective.

After that comes the meat of the book - the methods. I listened to this whole part twice over to make sure I was hearing everything correctly. From everyday thinking to concrete problem solving and idea elicitation, this segment goes over new idea creation as well as how to maneuver the ideas within any social setting.

After that comes the chapter on how to implement these creative ideas and make sure that one doesn't lose touch with the strategies or overarching principles thereof. I think the book sticks around for just long enough to provoke thought and leaves when it's time for the reader to take over.

If you have to choose one book on creativity, this is the one. An absolute BANGER OF THE WEEK.

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