Wisdom from the Islamic story

in #creativecrypto6 years ago (edited)



There is a woman out of the house with the aim of obtaining Islamic lessons from the Prophet S.A.W with the other companions. In the middle there was a young man who saw him, he asked:

Hi noble woman, where are you going?

He replied:

I want to go to the Messenger of Allah to get his teachings.

Reply youth:

Are you true love for the prophet S.A.W?

He replied:
Yes, I love him so much.
If you really love the Messenger of Allah I ask you to open your nikab, so that I can see your face.

When the young man swore by the love of the woman to the Messenger of Allah. So the woman opened her nikab, the young man could see clearly his face.

After returning from religious studies, the woman informed her husband of a natural event with a young man, when her husband heard the narrative of his wife's story and hesitated: It needs to be tested for truth. So I'm satisfied and clear the issue.

Then her husband made a very large fireplace inserted into the stove. The stove is usually used to cook bread, which resembles a kentongan. The husband waited for a moment to make the fire bigger.
When the flares became bigger then the husband said:
For the sake of the Messenger of Allah (SAS), enter you into the stove!
As soon as his wife heard her husband swear that he asked to enter the burning furnace, without hesitation he entered into it. He did not care about his life for his love of the Prophet S.A.W.

When the woman's husband saw his wife actually entering the stove and disappearing in the blanket of flames, there arose regret in his heart. He was aware that what was said was true, then the husband of the woman was before the Messenger of Allah. He recounted the events that took place. The Prophet S.A.W said: Come back! Bongkarlah the stove !. He immediately returned and dismantled the stove that was still hot, it was behind the stove that he found his wife in a state of safety without lack of anything. Only his whole body was wet with his own sweat, like a man in a hot bath.

O Allah, Make good to us, our families, our children and all the Muslims. Praise be to you O God, Lord of the Worlds. Praise be to Allah, a substance that has perfected goodness with its blessings, and with its grace we are blessed to have heaven.

Shalawat and greetings are always poured out to our lord the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, and hopefully also to his family, friends, and wives as long as there is heaven and earth.

Praise be to God Himself. There is no power and power other than with the power and power of Allah the Most High is great. Suffice God to be our helper and give pleasure to us .......



Ada seseorang perempuan keluar rumah dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh pelajaran islam dari Nabi S.A.W bersama para sahabat lain. Di pertengahan ada seorang lelaki yang masih muda melihatnya, ia bertanya:

Hai perempuan yang mulia, hendak kemana kamu?

Ia menjawab:

Aku hendak menghadap Rasulullah S.A.W untuk mendapatkan pengajaran dari beliau.

Balas pemuda :

Apakah dirimu cinta benar terhadap nabi S.A.W?

Ia menjawab:
Ya, aku sangat mencintainya.
Kalau kamu benar-benar cinta kepada Rasulullah aku minta supaya engkau membuka cadarmu, agar aku bisa melihat wajahmu.

Manakala anak muda itu bersumpah-sumpah demi kecintaan perempuan itu kepada Rasulullah S.A.W. Maka perempuan itu tadi membuka cadarnya, anak muda itu dapat melihat dengan jelas wajahnya.

Setelah kembali dari pelajaran agama, perempuan itu tadi memberitau pada suaminya tentang peristiwa yang di alaminya bersama seorang pemuda, ketika suaminya mendengar penuturan cerita istrinya maka hatinya bimbang: Hal itu perlu di uji kebenarannya. Agar aku puas dan jelas persoalannya.

Lalu suami perempuan itu membuat perapian yang sangat besar dimasukkan kedalam tungku. Tungku itu biasanya di gunakan untuk memasak roti, yang menyerupai sebuah kentongan. Suami perempuan itu menunggu beberapa saat agar api membesar.
Ketika jilatan api telah membesar maka suaminya berkata:
Demi kebenaran Rasulullah S.A.W, masuklah kamu kedalam tungku itu!
Begitu istrinya mendengar suaminya bersumpah yang meminta dirinya agar masuk kedalam tungku yang membara, tanpa ragu ia masuk kedalamnya. Ia tidak memperdulikan lagi nyawanya demi kecintaannya kepada Rasulullah S.A.W.

Manakala suami perempuan itu melihat isterinya benar benar masuk kedalam tungku dan lenyap di selimuti jilatan api, timbullah penyesalan di dalam hatinya. ia menyadari behwa apa yang di katakan itu benar, maka suami perempuan itu tadi menghadap Rasulullah S.A.W. Ia menceritakan kejadian yang berlangsung. Nabi S.A.W bersabda: kembalilah ! Bongkarlah tungku itu!. Ia segera kembali dan membongkar tungku itu yang masih panas, ternyata di balik tungku itu ia menemukan istrinya dalam keadaan selamat tanpa kurang suatu apapun. Hanya sekujur tubuhnya basah oleh keringatnya sendiri, bagaikan orang yang sedang mandi air panas.

Wahai Allah, Jadikanlah kebaikan kepada kami, keluarga kami, anak cucu kami dan segenap kaum muslimin. Segala puji bagimu ya Allah, Tuhan semesta alam. Segala puji bagi Allah, zat yang telah menyempurnakan berbagai kebaikan dengan nikmatnya, dan dengan anugerahnya kita berbahagia memperoleh syurga.

Shalawat dan salam selalu terlimpahkan kepada junjungan jita Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, dan semoga terlimpahkan pula kapada keluarga, sahabat, dan istri-istrinya selama masih ada langit dan bumi.

Segala puji bagi Allah sendirinya. Tidak ada daya dan kekuatan selain dengan daya dan kekuatan Allah Yang Maha tinggi lagi besar. Cukuplah Allah menjadi penolong kita dan memberi kenikmatan kepada kita.......


Gagah dan sangat bewibawa...
Sukses selalu kawanku

Baraqallahu Khairan maassalamah yaa shahibii

Postingan yang sangat berguna.

We win together
See you on the top

Seb bereh aju droeneuh tgk @syakiran.balya 😀

Pu jih yg bereh.
Boh neumita power Ju idrnh neuvote lon sabe2 nak bereh ju2 Haha 😂

Pajan na neubeut bak lon ka neu pgah guree.

Tip2 utoe lon beut bak droneu bg

Hana Goe Cong balee

Na bg. Abg sagai hana deuh kalen

Beu malem beu kaya beu meu tuwah asoe surga

Amin Allahumma amin.
Tamah bjut Teuk beu rijang meurumpok prumoh saleha

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