PIXEL REFORM for the Creativecrypto challenge // GIF


design process and inspiration

I create this images by using my own image melter software which was written with processing framework, I use it for my pixel reform series as well

what can I say about inspiration?

There is so much fuzz about bitcoin in media, we are leaving in new digital era and everything around is a data. Big data!
Bitcoin is data, but .png, .jpeg, and .mp3 formats is a data as well. And you can use a software which use this data to convert it into some art, this is what i'm trying to do.

And few words about stylistic:

First gif is refer to pointilism and it's also remind me of some handwritten b&w graphics, and the second one is using highmap generation process, which is visually remind me of some graphics charts and node connection systems.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66254.46
ETH 3319.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69