A Star Son, Fantasy Story

in #creativecrypto6 years ago
It was a normal day in a small hospital, a humble pregnant girl named Ana arrives in an emergency at the point of giving birth, her cries showed severely the pain she felt while she was being treated, simultaneously to this, in the space was forming a kind of supernova, an intense flash moved at great speed and falls on the roof of the hospital where the girl was in pain. A sudden silence was present, seconds later you hear the cry of a baby - already born! -A nurse says with emotion.



Happily the mother receives in her arms her newborn baby whom she called Joseph, the infant opens her eyes and the girl shows a very strong impression and asks the doctor to check the eyes of her child, she has no pupil, she is not seen says the mother. The doctor when confirming the anomaly decides to confine it in observation to carry out the respective studies, shortly after they could determine that in spite of not seeing to simple sight the pupil this if it had it and could see since it followed the objects that placed him to the front.

Several years passed after that birth. Joseph, already a child, began to pronounce some words clearly. The day of consultation arrives to check his eyesight since he still presented irregularity in his pupils and for that reason they are presented in the ophthalmology clinic.

-Hello Joseph," said the doctor. "What do you see, as he stands at the front
-Hello Doctor, I see a small black body with light around it," said Joseph.



Curious doctor, keeps talking with Jose.

-Since when do you see people like that?" asked the doctor.
-There are some who have greater light than others," said Joseph.

The doubts grow in the doctor, thinking a little took a sheet, drew a person and showed it to the child.

-What do you see, the doctor asks him
-I see a small body but it has no light, it is the same as my toys," said Joseph.
-Do your toys have light around them, the doctor asks again?
-no, they don't have, answer Jose

The ophthalmologist after having made the corresponding diagnosis, gives the next date for the consultation, so Joseph and his mother decide to return home. In the course of the trip, a vehicle loses control and crashes into the transport where they were mounted, a heavy blow gets Ana on the head and is thrown on the floor, Jose to see her is going to help her get up and says -Because your light goes off, -I can not see you mom, says Jose

In a sigh Ana's breath ends, and a worry surrounds José's mind, he no longer sees his mother, he can only see his dark body without movement or light around, he begins to cry wildly and lets hear screams of pain. In the sky a star flashes incessantly in the middle of many of them and a brightness is lit in José's eyes, a life energy has been formed from that constellation, unconsciously José embraces his mother strongly and after a moment Ana begins to distil a brightness from her body thanks to that energy.



Ana's concerns about Joseph's eyes disappeared after that day, everything suggested that it was a gift, a power and a blessing from God and the universe. Already a man, Joseph hides that power he possesses to see beyond the skin and bones, he only evidences the internal energy of each being, so he lives among the population as an ordinary person.


I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any recommendation, please leave it through a commentary

This has been all for the moments.


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