Crypto Art & Design Challenge #12: TRON. + GIF/ Inspiration artist: GEGO 👩 🎨

in #creativecrypto6 years ago

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Hi! this is my entry to @sndbox contest´s.

-As an inspiration artist, I chose Gego, a Venezuelan artist, from the use of geometric shapes (especially triangles) to achieve great installations and paintings. As a personal touch I put bright colors, which contrast with the neutral colors of Gego.

Hope you like it!

Hola! esta es mi participación en el concurso de @sndbox.

-Como artista inspiración escogí a Gego, artista venezolana, a partir del uso de formas geométricas (especialmente los triángulos) lograba grandiosas instalaciones y pinturas. Como toque personal le coloqué colores vivos, que contrastas con los colores neutros de Gego.

Espero les guste!

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If you do not know this artist, here are some samples of her great work.

Si no conoces a esta artista aquí dejo algunas muestras de su gran trabajo.


"Reticulárea circular" (1981) Gego. Technique: Watercolor and ink

Image Source/Fuente imágen

"Proyecto Lausanne" (1975) Gego.

Image Source/ Fuente Imágen

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Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thank you :3

Wow... Gertrud Goldschmidt! Brilliant choice. Goodluck @itachi24j!

Thank you :D

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