Daily Phototalent – Selection 22-11-2019
La comunidad crece cada día y gran cantidad de autores demuestran su potencial aportando contenido valioso para todos los que amamos la imagen y la fotografía. Desde Phototalent queremos expresar, que nuestro principal objetivo es apoyar sin condiciones la mayor cantidad de estos usuarios, sin embargo, todo aquel que sienta el gusto de contribuir con un grano de arena, su voto será bien recibido.
Phototalent es un proyecto de curación respaldado por Talent Club que cuenta con su respaldo para la selección de contenido de calidad en el ramo del arte y fotografía en Steemit.

The community grows every day and many authors show their potential by providing valuable content for all of us who love image and photography. From Phototalent we want to express that our main objective is to support unconditionally the largest number of users, although anyone who feels the pleasure of contributing with a grain of sand or vote will be well received.
Phototalent is a healing project supported by Talent Club with support for the selection of quality content in the field of art and photography at Steemit.
Artículos destacados del día | Featured articles of the day:

Something between autumn and winter!
Something between autumn and winter!
… by @weitblicker

… by @angel35mm

The Festival of San Roque in Garachico, Tenerife Island
Greetings, everyone!
Coming with my long-postponed report of
… by @manoldonchev

Panoramica del porto di Trani ed il punto di fuga della foto è la Cattedrale.
... gran bella giornata soleggiata ma si prevede maltempo nel weekend. Un giorno comprerò la mia barca con gli STEEM...by @claudio83

"Petra" - #PortraitPassion
.Panasonic G80 Olympus zuiko 45mm f/1.8 1/800 iso 200
Hi everyone, here is a portrait I made this summer.
.. by @alequandro

A special thank you for supporting this project to:
@claudiaz & @carlagonz

Participa con nosotros en Talent Club

In collaboration with:

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://httpswordpresscomstatsdayoscarpswebwordpresscom.000webhostapp.com/2019/11/daily-phototalent-selection-22-11-2019
I am not !DERANGED but I do give some away...