Viola day 18 - Titanic

in #creativecoin5 years ago (edited)

This video is dedicated to @acidyo who, thanks to the Steem prices, feels like drowning in the icy Atlantic.

The beauty about being a beginner at something is that you can easily watch and feel the improvements on a daily basis. This is a real nice feeling that keeps me going. I guess I'll quit when I'm good enough to be truly arrogant about my abilities.

Still got some bow issues, you might still hear some kind of... almost a throat clear via the bow, a wobbliness from the hairs bouncing against my will. Those with a keen ear will also notice I keep going a bit sharp on some notes. I'm aware of that but I'm not always in a comfortable position that I can just subtly shift up or down to hit the right spot.

Now that I feel content not bothering with Vibrato for a while, I feel the challenge is minimal, so I'm mostly just working on cleaning up my act, memorising scale positions and slowly introducing myself to the lower half of the... 'fretboard'.

I'm very confident I'm doing about 45 things wrong, but I'm only aware of about 6 so any string players out there, hit me with all you got!

And if that got you depressed, I did an extra bonus tune to demonstrate my virtuosity and raw speed:



i cry evrytim


I request a cover of any Limp Bizkit song of your choice. Nothing would make me more flaccid, yet also happy at the same time.

My student just made me try Master of Puppets. As impossible as it was, it was strangely satisfying to try. I'll give limp bizkit a shot then, that'll be next!

Looking forward to it! Especially the part of having to subject you to some of the worst music ever produced in the last 25 years!

Hey this come very cool :) ... I hope you try more soon :)

Every day at work!

ahahahhahahah top!

Thanks! What a nice surprise to see you in person!

The Can Can! Reminds me on my childhood, where I played it on my electric organ! :D You should have played a little longer for us.

I ask you to play Prokofiev - Peter And The Wolf - a melody which accompanies me since I first time heard it.

Noted! You are second in line =D

Very good! I wish you fun with that piece.

My request: Eleanor Rigby, please :)
(Good job on Titanic. It must be a tricky one!).

Ok! I already have two others so maybe you'll need to queue up, but I got 'em in mind!

I will queue up patiently :)

As someone who is currently learning the violin I declare all those in the Viola gang my mortal enemies :D

All jokes aside, keep up the good work, learning an instrument as an adult is tricky but pretty fun!

Shut up, snobby know-it-all violinist.

You think its difficult? I guess if you weren't raised with musical background it must be, for sure... But since I've grown up around it, and I teach it daily, seems ok so far. I guess certain things that take a long time to master such as the vibrato are things you really ought to learn as a kid, but I bet we can both catch up!

😂 Maybe difficult is the wrong word but I know I probably would have soaked it up way quicker a a kid. And vibrato, eeeee, I haven't managed to even properly make a note wobble yet haha but I'll keep trying!

Posted using Partiko Android

Appparently its something that takes years... sigh. I'm impatient

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