Let's take a quick trip to the future...ten years from now! - Showcase Sunday.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #creativecoin5 years ago (edited)


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Year 2029...mid winter,

Out of habit you had set the alarm at 7:00 AM the night before...

You wake up with that very same feeling...the one you had left behind a few years ago...


You don't even have time for a quick cup of coffee...

You have to get dressed...fast, and run to the bus stop, unless of course you want to walk all the way to work.

"Will this torture ever come to an end...?"

A whisper in your head tells you to stay there...under the warmth your blankets provide you...

All you need is ten more minutes...

Ohhh....those sweet extra ten minutes...

But a man's got to do what a man's got to do...

You get of the bed decisively...no more room for complaints...getting dressed fast and grab the sandwich from the fridge...after all, you have to eat something during that stupid 15 minute break.

Lights off...door locked...and straight to the bus stop...

You are a bit late...and you know it...

As if you had an appointment, the moment you arrive at the bus stop...

Phew...that was close...

Another day, the same routine...the same images...the same grumpy faces...

9 - 5 ...dream job...right?

You just hate it...you don't stand it anymore...

The same thoughts, while you are sitting on that very same bus seat on the way home...

"I can't...I can't do this no more..." you are whispering...

But the force of habit makes you forget all those "corrupted" thoughts the moment you are back in your little shelter...in your comfort zone...in that tiny old apartment...

It's already late in the afternoon...you can't stay up until late...limited choices...

And the same loop is there...right before your eyes...

"I guess...I have to live with that..."


The actions and the decisions you are about to take NOW, will probably determine the quality and the way your life is going to be in the future...Is that the kind of life you wanna live? Sounds deadly boring maybe?

Then act...do something dammit...

You can be everything you want in life...but there are chances you might lose in a blink of an eye...

Dare...chase your dreams...

Chase your steem dream...that's why you are here in the first place...right?

Who knows where this path may lead you...it's a path full of surprises...and anxiety.

But you know one thing for sure...that you don't want to end up being that guy in the story...in 2029...

Showcase Sunday's are a great way to revive some of your older posts either because you feel they were under-rewarded or simply because you enjoyed them back in the day. In my case it is because I really enjoyed this one plus I always try to motivate others to not give up their Steem journey.

This is the link to the original post...some...312 days ago. And unless it was @steemchiller's awesome tool...I wouldn't have found it. I just don't have so much patience to scroll down my blog page like...forever.

Have a great one peeps!



Lovin' this shit brother. Wasn't sure where you were going, right in the beginning, and then BAM! DO SOMETHING This is really good promotional stuff, and I am a STEEM dreamer too, now. Nicely composed and delivered. :)

Thanks a lot bud!

This is really good promotional stuff, and I am a STEEM dreamer too, now.

As I keep saying: There will be a day where people will be fighting over a single STEEM token...so grab them while you can, ha!

I can wait!! ... and I will.

I can wait!! ... and I will.

Powerful !!!!!

I loved this..

Thank you Audie!

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