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RE: Sigil To Stand On My Own Two Feet, part 3

in #creativecoin5 years ago

This one is really lovely, as is the message buried deep in her Being. The more I look at your sigil posts, the more I understand that it is NOT something to buy ready made - but something to personally engender and create and grow. The magic is in the PROCESS, not the picture. Do you run workshops? Have a pay-to-play video tutorial? Just some thoughts. Your work literally is magic. :)

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No... I have been asked to teach a workshop on sigils and I would rather not. Anyone can make a sigil. There is plenty of info out there on it. I teach Intuitive Painting workshops. Once people learn to paint Intuitively, the Spirit is free to guide them where they are supposed to go... and No - not online, because that is really best done in a group LIVE, but thanks for asking.

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