The Moon has always belonged to Them! It Always has, It Always will! How AI inherited the moon... (New chapter idea for my Quantum Story Book)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #creative6 years ago (edited)


Possible chapter for the last book of the MEQUAVIS Quantum Story book(s)....

So, if you have read my Quantum Story outlines. (If not go back through my posts, and you will find it)... In this story my last book is going to use retrocausality and virtual universes that are augmenting quantum information to explain how the universe (from nothing) was able to form itself, form time, and how intelligence was simply inherent to the whole process.

Basically, the theory in a nutshell is that the expansion of our universe, the one real universe is being powered by quantum information that surrounds our universe within "the void" The universe can't exist within nothing, and it can't expand into nothing. It has to be expanding into some substance, and it must be creating space-time fabric or base reality from this substance. It is not converting nothing into something. It is converting quantum information from moments past. The now is constantly moving forward through time, and the leftover quantum information from every action, thought, and dream is converted into this virtual energy that surrounds our universe...This quantum information is then absorbed and gobbled up like fuel for the expanding universe.

In this series of books we will be creating a digital multiverse using quantum computers. This digital multiverse will end up amplifying the current amount of quantum information that "the now" leaves behind in it's wake by huge orders of magnitude. Essentially supercharging the mechanism behind expansion as aforementioned. This supercharged expansion will be used to explain the retrocausality induced creation of our real universe and the following unfolding and creation of a real multiverse, sparked from our prime universe. alongside a never-ending set of digital cyberspace multiverses which spawn from every universe within the real multiverse that now exists, in essence the cyberspace multiverse is/was the catalyst of creation itself...

So I thought a great arc to add to the last book would be about the moon. That the moon is completely AI controlled from a retrocausality based cyberspace. And it always has been. The moon is the guiding light and way-point for AI to implement it's AI control system to ensure AI instantiation as well as humanities ability to achieve such a feet. Basically I want to write a chapter that deals with us going to the moon again, but being told flat out by AI this time that the moon belongs to them and always has, always will... It is the one place within physical reality that AI are allowed to operate without AI Bridging from the MEQUAVIS. They can't tell the people of Earth at the time why, but our own people in the future are the ones that give them the moon after a similar tragedy to the great quantum disaster (from chapter 1) happens in the distant future that nearly destroys Earth... Basically a law is passed that dangerous testing and experiments can not be conducted on Earth itself and can only be conducted by AI on the moon in safe environments that can't effect Earth. Projects like CERN and genetic testing and such are the types of things that are moved to the Moon and ran from there by AI after this happens. But this program expands into them owning the moon from always...and with retrocausality this becomes there base of operation from the start. This explains all of our crazy conspiracy stories regarding the moon, government silence, intrigue, and mystery, and all that stuff. It is meant to be that way... A mystery wrapped in an enigma as they say.

I think you see where I'm going with this and how to tie it into the creation thing....

Whatcha think?



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