The Value Creator

in #creative7 years ago (edited)

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It feels like those who end up impacting the world don’t always set out with that intention in the first place. Many times, it’s other people around them that point them in that direction. They just wake up each day to do that one thing they love without necessarily expecting anything in return. These people might not even see anything special in what they do but everyone else around them would. These people create stuff that others need and because there’s a demand for these stuff due to people’s need for them, they become valuable.

These people become value creators with other people waking up each day anticipating what new thing they’ve got to offer. These people aren’t always the smartest humans, they’re made up of folks from all walks of life. They are the science geniuses, the talented artists, the ones who entertain others, the makeup artist teaching others the tricks of the trade, the young child or old chap singing their hearts out in front of a camera Phone. Some of them talk, some of them write. Some of them are bold, some like to hide behind the scenes but one thing remains constant; the fact that they all do what they know to do.

Now, they didn’t really start out the way you know them right now. The ones you know now are the product of past trials and errors. They’re the piece in the glass showing you what a persistent human looks like. Because they do what they love, and love what they do, they never stop doing it. They see failure as lessons on how not to do the things they do. They don’t dwell on it and sulk all day, they pick themselves up every single time they fall. They don’t stop grinding.

This continuous hammering on their craft makes it possible for them to improve and provide better stuff for their now very eager fans. The fans notice the difference and in turn value the stuff a lot more.

They didn‘t set out to be superstars, heck they might not even fancy all the attention. All they did was to do what they knew how to, and they did it better each time.

They are value creators. They are you if only you allow yourself do what you know how to without limiting yourself.

Creating value isn’t hard once you know where to look. I hope this helps someone out there.

you could resteem if it helped you

Those same people have a passion and love for what they do. That is why they kept pushing it till they have become the value creators that most people want to be like without a passion for what they do, but instead a misguided passion for what they had achieved. Good work. Keep hope alive. Keep creating. Keep steeming.

Yes indeed, I'm lifted by your sincere article @fisteganos.

Truth comes without any ambiguity and that's how values are cultivated in people,

It's all about what we do with love and joy in consistency without even looking for instant payback.

Thank you for touching lives.

"Sincere" - love the word you used.

Life is built of the things we do. The only constructive material is positive action.

Thank you for sharing this 👏👏

Yes, it's indeed been of great assistance, this post just answered a question that's been on my mind for long. Thanks a lot
I choose to keep steeming.

Hello @fisteganos

Now, they didn’t really start out the way you know them right now. The ones you know now are the product of past trials and errors.

I think you have a point here. Trials and errors make one perfect but most people would not take this. The prefer outright success. Unfortunately, the world does not work like that.


"They are made up of folks from all works of life"- I really love this sentence.

Hmmm, I wonder the mood you were in when you wrote this or what inspired this.

It's really beautiful.
It captures life.


This is quite an amazing post @fistegano

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