Challenge Completed - Arms and Shoulders Day 680 reps on Janurary 4

Have really noticed a good increase in strength and I really seems to be smashing through my workouts, normally I would spend more time in the gym but each exercise I have been smashing with very little rest in between. Also in between sets I'm only having about a 30 second break, normally it would be a minute or more.
I think all of this extra energy has to be coming from my super food smoothies. I have been making one and sometimes two a day before the gym.
I have also noticed since getting back on to the super food smoothies I have been feeling rather good, mentally, physically and emotionally. They really make a noticeable difference.

For my workout I jumped back into the seated tricep and pushed myself with it for the first time in a while, I was really surprised at how much strength I still have with that but I guess I have been working my triceps anyway so they are pretty strong.
I also upped my shoulder press again, I'm pretty sure that is now equal with my best ever so I have bounced back really quickly there but again I really think a lot of this extra strength is purely due to these super food smoothies.

Body weight 122 kgs


☠️ The Workout - Arms and Shoulders Day ☠️

💪 12 reps * 5 sets single arm bicep curl, @15kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets iso lateral tricep, @7.5kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets shoulder press, @20kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets machine trap raises, @20kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets iso lateral row, @20kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets cable row, @21kgs

💪 8 reps * 5 sets seated tricep, @46kgs, @60kgs, @74kgs, @60kgs, @46kgs

💪 8 reps * 5 sets seated iso lateral row, @30kgs, @40kgs, @50kgs, @40kgs, @30kgs

💪 8 reps * 5 sets standing tricep behind head @17.5kgs, @21kgs, @24.5kgs, @21kgs, @17.5kgs

💪 8 reps * 5 sets shoulder press, @46kgs, @60kgs, @74kgs, @60kgs, @46kgs

💪 8 reps * 5 sets single bicep curl, @20kgs, @25kgs, @32kgs, @25kgs, @20kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets iso lateral tricep push down, @74kgs, @81kgs, @88kgs, @81kgs, @74kgs

💪 12 reps * 5 sets cable tricep pull down, @15kgs


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