Good night peeps - scary true story - read if you are not afraid

in #scary5 years ago (edited)

It's currently 1245am. On my bed, with my wife besides me.

It's been a great day today. I am going to tell you all a really scary story before I head to dream land. It's gonna be a few real scary things. Hope it won't scare you too much but after you read these, some things would never be the same again.

This is the aerial view of the city I live in. The true scary story starts from this place.

One day, I was swimming here, a couple of years ago. I was heading to the showers. Then as I was heading towards the changing area. There were tiny cubicles next to each other. So as I was heading into one, this guy wanted to follow me.

He had this hair that had small Barley curls and wasn't that tall and was slightly tanned. Then I moved to the next cubicle where he wanted to follow and so I quickly headed into the next one. Locked the doors. As I was about to change, it felt strange. I looked up and saw a head. He was standing on the bench that was installed at the sides of the wall. It was so creepy that I can still remember what he looks like and his head. It looked like this floating headless body like what you would see in a horror movie. Then i quickly starred at him and moved to another cubicle to get a quick change and went out.

Story 2 - Water Spirits

This happened to my little sister. I often swam at the swimming pool. The one in the picture above. There is one thing I won't do is to swim in the dark. There was this time, when I was going to bring my sister for a swim at the swimming pool and I was somewhat late as I woke up at around 530pm and she was pretty mad at me and forced me to bring her there for a swim. So I did.

The swimming pool closed at around 9pm so there was still plenty of time. So we arrived there at about 6 15 perhaps. It was kind of dark.

The pool gradually deepens as you swim to the other end. The part of the pool that I always started with was at this side where I could actually stand. She freaked out and told me about it after our swimming session. She told me that as she swam from the shallow waters into the deeper region, she saw a face that came towards her. From that day on, she never went to the swimming pool ever again at that kind of hour.

I have three younger sisters. My youngest sister, she sees things that normally we won't see. I am writing these in another account about what she can see. When she was young, she was speaking to a friend who she did not know was not there.

Well, there is definitely some who believe and some who can see. I have personally never seen spirit's before.

Before I end it, I suddenly thought of sharing this really beautiful hotel in my city. I have been there for buffet dinner with my family. It is just at the opposite of the Airport.

This is the Airport in my city. It is currently being expanded as the capacity increases. This is the gateway to one of the world's largest cave. Niah cave. More on that next time.

Anyways, the building that I am going to introduce is the JinHold apartments. It is beautiful and something horrific happened there last year.

Stunning isn't it. This is a place that a lot of people choose to stay for a night if they are heading off to the airport the next day.

Anyways, the there was this couple who were drug pushers. Apparently, the girl who was involved comes from a wealthy family. I am not sure why she wanted to sell drugs. The police raided their room and I think she was high on drugs, she just ran off the balcony and fell straight down from the forth floor.

Signing off now.. I have maybe so many things to say that I could write a book. Will write it down here slowly. I have this fun side, this serious side and the side of me that is curious... Sometimes I have too much thoughts that I need to write them down.


Now it's 1.20am... Gonna have some sleep.

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(All img src:Google random search)


Great stories! I have one! When I was in my 20s my buddies and I would go to my Dads cabin. Mostly to drink, shoot off fireworks, B.B. guns,etc. It was in the middle of nowhere, that always gave it a creepy vibe. We started bringing up a Ouija board, try to contact some spirits. It was fun and sometimes creepy, but everything that happened could be explained. Except this one time....

We were all gathered around asking different things, when someone asked if this is real show us a sign. From underneath the wooden floors, in the other room was the sound of what sounded like a claw scraping up at the floor. SCRATCH SCRATCH SCRATCH. I still to this day can remember it. We all looked at each other in fright. To understand how weird this was you have to understand how the cabin was built. It was wood on top of a concrete “crawl space” there was no openings for an animal that could make that sound. Maybe mice could get down there, but there has alway been nice in that cabin and I was aware of what they sound like. The only access was through an opening in the cabin. Which none of us dare to open and peek. I still talk to one of the guys that was there, we remember it the same and can’t explain the noise. 👻

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Thanks alot for your contribution. @rpgbuilders I am going to write in a new post. I've heard that ouija boards could sent something here. Sometimes it even takes away souls. It sent some chills into my spine reading what you wrote just now. Goosebumps pop out of my skin.

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No problem! I should do a post too, we are going up there to fish in April. I could take some photos and share a few other strange stories of things that happened there. Thanks!!

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Ooo.. That would be great. Wow. Do share. I would love to have a look at the cabin.

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Neverfelt a goosebumps for a while not until now. Haha. Some things i refuse to believe which i cant explain it myself. I remembered my eldest she was 3 that time, and we never told her about "monsters" and other scary stuff, not even let her watch a movie about it. In other words she never had an idea what scary means.

I cannot forget the sound of her voice really frightened calling "daddy!", I was on the 3rd floor and rushed to the ground floor where she and her mom where taking a bath, she was covering her eyes and pointing at the ceiling, and told me there is a kid up in the ceiling trying to hurt her.

I got scared that time thinking its hard to protect your kid from it, when you know it never physically existed.

Haha. And good night. Its 2:38am, and im off to bed, still have work tomorrow.

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Wow. So how long ago was that? I think kids usually can see something. It's hard to think a kid could lie isn't it since they haven learnt the art of lying. Your house has three floors? Then what did you do after that. It must be really terrifying. Thank you for sharing your true experience. My sister told me a lot of the different experiences that has happened throughout her life.

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Hey man. Good morning.

It was About 7 or 8 years ago.. we were just renting that time, just to add a week prior to that incident we had a family friend who went to our place to visit. We were in the middle of conversation, and all of a sudden one she (the family friend) angrily said just "get out of the room". Looking at the door. When we ask why, she just smirked and said there is a kid trying to get into the room.

To think my daughter was the only kid in the apartment.

She continued taking as if nothing happens. Looks like trying to avoid conversation "what just happened".

After few days, i guess that was the same kid that my daughter pointed at the ceiling.

TBH its really puzzling me. I ask my eldest daughter few months ago. she is 11 now. if she can still remember that day. She said "yes" but dont want to add details.
Im just going to leave it that way, its for her best also not to think about it and dont pay attention to those stuff that science cant explain.

Thanks for reading also. Haha
Gotta prep to work now.

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Wow. Thanks for writing this. I will write it as part 2.

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