How Not to Go Crazy at Menopause

in #crazy7 years ago (edited)

“Jenny (not her real name), came to me saying she thought she was "going crazy!”. She felt irrational, scared out of all proportion that bad things were going to happen to her loved ones, afraid of the exhausting dreams she was having at night. She really wanted it all to change!”

Photo by Gabriel Matula on Unsplash

So we talked through all of her symptoms at length. She told me about the extreme stress she had been under for several years. She told me about her anxiety about her relationship with her husband.  She told me about the physical effects she was experiencing, feeling out of her body, like she couldn't think clearly, like she just didn't have the energy to keep on going.

When I asked her about menopause and what it meant to her she said, and I quote:

"Well, it's the beginning of the end, isn't it?"

Jenny really thought that the best of her life was over, her attractiveness and usefulness as a woman was at it's end.  

I had trouble not leaping out of my chair! In her mid 50's, with perhaps another 40 years ahead, she believed the best was behind her! I was stunned! 

I handed her some books and suggested she look at some of the inspiring older women around her. Judi Dench? Helen Mirren? Margaret Thatcher (whatever you thought of her politics)? Do any of these names conjure up women who are (or were) past it after 55? No, they don't! 

Homeopathy triggered a change

I gave Jenny some homeopathic remedies, and over a period of a year or so, we normalised her hormone levels, restored her faith in herself, and she went on to realise that the coming years were just as full of promise as the previous years had been.

Jenny had many remedies including Thuja, Sepia, Pulsatilla among others. But 2 in particular marked turning points for her.

Staphisagria, a remedy for those who have suppressed their emotions for fear of upsetting others, was the remedy that helped her find her voice, and finally ask her husband if he had had an affair!! For years she had wondered about this, and finally it was brought out into the open and resolved. Her marriage settled back into a much healthier and more honest pattern after she found the courage to speak up and face this fear.

The second remedy that changed her life was Cimicifuga. This remedy is great for hormonal imbalance, but in particular for those who fear the worst from a minor upset. Any negative image or thought might trigger a chain of thoughts I call 'catastrophising'. The 'what if', that goes from one idea to the next in an ever worsening scenario until disaster seems imminent, when really there is nothing to fear! And often it's impossible to recall what started the chain of thoughts in the first place!

After this remedy, Jenny regained a perspective and a peace of mind she had been missing for a long time.

The last time I saw Jenny, she was transformed. She was aware that there was so much more to come in her life. She felt settled and peaceful. She had rebalanced her marriage into a more equal partnership, and she was free to pursue the things she enjoyed with her family.

This experience was  a stimulus for my developing a passion for menopausal health and wellbeing. 

This is why I love homeopathy and what it can do for menopausal women worldwide!

If you would like to work with me to transform your menopause, find me here

photo by  Catherine McMahon @ Unsplash

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