People are drinking bleach to prevent coronavirus

in #crazy5 years ago (edited)

This is part funny and part really sad and also part reason to fire up a very old song from the Dead Milkmen, one of my favorite punk bands from the 80's.

The press release happened in nearby Charlottesville, Virginia where The Poison Control center is reminding the population "that they should never drink bleach – and that doing so will certainly not prevent coronavirus."

It seems almost too crazy to be true, but apparently a bunch of people got duped on a website and are now drinking bleach in order to keep from getting the virus that is on the tip of everyone's tongues as well as all over their social media.

Apparently it all stems from a bogus "snake oil" substance called 20-20-20 that contains a type of bleach and is used by people who think the internet knows more than doctors and will use the product to cure anything - which of course it can not do. This somehow turned into "stepping up the dosage level" by just going for 100% bleach which will cause severe burns, vomiting, and lots of other fun things once ingested.

The Poison Control people tried to keep a straight face, so to speak, when they go on to explain the ways in which bleach can be useful for preventing the spread of this and every other virus, and drinking it is not one of them. Ha!

It is hard to imagine that anyone would be this ignorant but you know what? People are kinda crazy and things can go viral and become truth even if the subject matter is completely ridiculous.

When I read the article, which remarkably made it to national news conglomerate websites such as Yahoo, I immediately flashed back to one of the more silly songs on the album that inspired my username.

"Don't you wanna hang out with the Bleach Boys baby... in a world where ministers murder golf pros!"

One thing that the redneck community excels at is knowing about simple things like this. We tend to not be terribly book-smart, but I would venture to bet that due to our more independent lifestyle, we are far less likely to fall for this sort of crap.


lol that's just stupid. Drink.....

instead :)

well since that is part of the cleaner planet plan I can get behind this initiative

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