Black Knight Satellite-What's Your Opinion?

in #craigrant8 years ago

The Black Knight Satellite, a 13,000 year old Alien Satellite?

Space Junk or alien “Satellite”, the black knight as it’s called today– has been around for quite some time now. It has been identified as an Alien Satellite and even though there are images of this object, many remain skeptical about its purpose and origin.

The discovery of the Black Knight Satellite is perhaps one of the most (in)famous space objects to orbit our Planet. This “Artificial Satellite” has caused mayor media interest since the late 50’s, and it has become one of the most talked about objects in space. First thought to be an Russian spy satellite, the Black Knight has gripped the interest of millions worldwide and continues to do so.

According to monitoring agencies around the world, The Black knight has been transmitting radio signals for over 50 years now

The USA and Soviet Union have shown particular interest in this “unidentified space object”

Rumours are that it was Nikola Tesla the first man to “intercept” a signal from this otherworldly satellite in 1899 after building a high-voltage radio device in Colorado Springs.

Since the 1930′s Astronomers worldwide have been reporting strange radio signals which allegedly come from the “Black Knight”.

In 1957, Dr. Luis Corralos of the Communications Ministry in Venezuela photographed it while taking pictures of Sputnik II as it passed over Caracas.

The story of the Black Knight made its media debut in the 1940′s when the St. Louis Dispatch and The San Francisco Examiner wrote about the “Satellite” on May 14th 1954. Time Magazine wrote about it on the seventh of March, 1960.

In 1957, an unknown “object” was seen “shadowing” the Sputnik 1 Spacecraft.

According to reports, the “unidentified object” was in Polar orbit, in 1957.

The United Stated nor the Russians possessed the technology to maintain a spacecraft in Polar Orbit.

The first Polar orbiting satellite was launched in 1960.

Polar orbits are often used for earth-mapping, earth observation, capturing the earth as time passes from one point and reconnaissance satellites. This would put the Black Knight in the category of a observational Satellite.

In the 1960′s the Black Knight was located once again in Polar Orbit.

Astronomers and Scientists calculated the objects weight to be over 10 tons which would be at that time the Heaviest Artificial Satellite to orbit our Planet.

The Black Knight’s orbit was unlike any other object orbiting Earth. The Grumman Aircraft Corporation gave much importance to this mysterious “Satellite”, On September 3, 1960, seven months after the satellite was first detected by radar, a tracking camera at Grumman Aircraft Corporation’s Long Island factory took a photograph of the Black Knight.

The Grumman Aircraft Corporation formed a committee to study the data received from the observations made but nothing was made public.

In 1963, Gordon Cooper was launched into space. On his final orbit, he reported seeing a glowing green object in front of his capsule in the distance moving towards his Spacecraft. The Muchea tracking station, in Australia, which Cooper reported the object to, picked up this Unidentified object on Radar travelling East to West.

It was the Ham Radio operator who apparently decoded a series of signals received from the UFO Satellite and interpreted it as a star-chart centered on the Epsilon Bootes Star System

According to the decoded message, the Black Knight originated from the Epsilon Bootes Star System 13.000 years ago.

On August 23, 1954 the technology magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology released a story about the Black Knight Satellite that angered the Pentagon who were trying to keep the information secret.

NASA has released official images which apparently show the Black Knight Satellite.

Very Curious, WHAT DO YOU THINK??


I did not know this existed. Thanks for sharing- really interesting...!

This is the best image i have seen of this Black Night . Been watching a long time , truth is stranger than fiction .. Very cool post , Much Love , Keep The Vibe High !!

I'll admit, I have an insanely persistent desire to get behind some of the more out-there theories when it comes to stuff like this - like the X-Files, I really really want to believe this thing could really be 13,000 years old.

Unfortunately, the guy who originally came up with the source info that supposedly traced the Black Knight's radio signal to the Epsilon Boötis system ended up recanting his own statement because of errors in his measurements: "Duncan Lunan took data from Norwegian radio researchers who believed they had found an unusual signal... Once Lunan realized the data he was studying was flawed, however, he immediately withdrew his conclusions." For various technical reasons, he couldn't definitively claim the signals had come from the Epsilon Boötis star system.

Basically there were indeed confirmed recordings made by Tesla and later by the Norwegian scientists of LDE radio reflections...but there are multiple possible explanations for them, most of them having to do with strange effects in the Earth's ionosphere.

Regarding Gordon Cooper's sighting: certainly compelling, but we should keep in mind that Cooper actually reported seeing UFOs on several different occasions, and yet strangely enough, his transcripts from the Mercury mission do not include references to the Black Knight. And as for the object itself - the close-up images posted here, and the most frequently cited evidence for the existence of a genuine "extrasolar satellite," were taken from the space shuttle orbiter Endeavor during the STS-88 Mission in 1998, which began construction on the International Space Station. During the mission, a thermal blanket (specifically a Trunnion Pin Thermal Cover) had become dislodged during an EVA and drifted away into space. People who have studied NASA video footage of the Endeavor astronauts working with the thermal blanket point out its similarity in feature to the Black Knight - as it tumbled towards Earth it seemed to change shape in the photos (the backgrounds of the different photos correspond to a downward trajectory; you can see the object drifting towards the upper cloud layer).

NORAD apparently briefly picked up the thermal blanket on radar, but its orbit decayed so fast that it burnt up in about a week.

(Disclaimer: my dad worked for the space program at Lockheed Martin and I have kind of a casual obsession with NASA and related things.)

I always wondered about this "object". I think NASA should have already explored it. What are they waiting for? Personally I think it might be some sort of end-game device for the elite. If you arent sure what i am talking about then search "Project Blue-Beam", "H.A.A.R.P.", also "Project Checkmate".

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