What is your "Craft"

in #craft7 years ago (edited)


There are many different ways to look at life. We all think differently. We are unique and each one's life is very much different from the next person's. Even persons in your own household can have a different perspective on life. But Who doesn't know this, it only makes sense right?

Hi Guys Jason here,
Bringing those positive vibes your way with a lil subject depth & poetry. A boost of love to you.

#thealliance @a11y full pagebreak.png

[Subject "Craft"]

expertise, skill...
technique, art, dexterity, artistry, expertness, adeptness, ability, adroitness, ingenuity, proficiency, know-how, aptitude, cleverness, knack, competence, cunning

So we're talking about a CRAFT Is this something that is not used anymore? The word or term "CRAFT" is it an old Dusty word, old fashioned kind of thing, some people would even say it sounds corny.
What do you think?

For me I don't think it's old-fashioned at all, really I mean the word craft is a useful term, and when it comes to photography, (the subject Ill be highlighting under craft) this is something that many see as a "craft", you create a picture it gets consumed and forgotten about, maybe or its a masterpiece and goes into the hall of fame. Well, maybe, but let's be realistic. Why do we keep taking pictures if it's just something that is forgotten about.

Well pictures do capture many different things, they tell stories they share experiences. So the way you Master this craft and give it your own personal signature is something that all photographers aim to do. There are many different schools that can help you in your "craft"
I just love putting the word craft in quotations lol.

Okay so me personally and hopefully others will agree with me I would celebrate a craft and I encourage the crafts, a craft any craft that you do. So if it is not photography your craft could maybe poetry, or maybe your craft is crafts in general. Your craft is your personal choice and aim to inspire others and capture your creativtiy as a human, and your craft is something that is "Art" and should be looked upon as art as you are the artist creating with your chosen craft.

As a craft, great photography tells a story, it can sell an idea, it delivers information, it's creates an emotion, it conveys Beauty.


If photography is your craft learn to master this craft in your own personal way, add your own personal signature, people will appreciate it because you give them a window into your world into what you have seen what you hope others can enjoy and people will vibe with you in your craft.

The craft of

To share my own personal touch if you have not seen some of my photography I have tried to master my own version of The Art of HDR, which stands for high dynamic range. Which is the process of taking three images, one underexposed, one Overexposed, and one that is just right. You combine those together and you create this new image that has a very awesome look to it. Something that the human eye doesn't necessarily see so with this high-dynamic-range concept.

You can tweak it and adjust it to your own personal preference, which then will create an image that looks very artistic in nature. It could be a grainy look to it it could be a depth of color it could be a anything of the sort, it depends on your own personal preference.

And with me truly When someone tells me it's a little too much, well that's their personal opinion.

Because sure to some professional photographers, which I don't claim to be, it can be a little too much for their personal taste which is fine, I respect that of course, but we sometimes create images that are borderline over the top, but for others when they see that over-the-top image that maybe the image that inspires them to want to create something similar themselves and then they can master that art, that "craft".

So as I sign off here, I just want to say without craft a pictures message could very well be lost. But master your tools and you can create photographs that shine that ring with excitement and meaning and singing with pure delight. Well yeah that does kind of sound corny doesn't it, but it is worth the effort and if you have not found your own craft, fear not, for I believe steemit can help you find the craft you may be looking for, or that you may not even know that you already have inside of you, because

I think as human beings we all have a sense of creativity and we want to be improving upon these creative thoughts and processes that we have inside each and everyone of us.

And so with that being said I want to inspire you all to move forward to do your best to find your craft to make it, until you break it, lol well don't break it but you get the point... (😊)

#thealliance @a11y full pagebreak.png


Create something today
Find your craft and give the gift away
Its yours own it
you learn it you share it

Some may laugh
But its your craft
Its your own technique
Those people are weak

Your unique
Let the art speak
Do what you seek
Let it reach the highest peak

Stay clever endeavor to do much better
Because each and every human is always improving displaying their own character
In the subject in which they are choosing

Reach higher lenghts
Developing your strengths

Continue on
Being strong

It won't be long
before they favor you
And crave for you
So savor what you do

Be you be true

Thanks guys for reading my article

I'm Jason Arnold (@krazypoet) signing off
If you seek art and positivity then feel free to join my discord channel
Steemit Infinity

“If a man should live many years, let him enjoy them all.”.

A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity.

Stay positive and constructive even during tough times and keep working towards something better.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

Thanks for stopping by
Much Love to all & be well


Stay Positive

This is the way to steem on





Powerful poem... really motivated me to keep going forward. Your talent with pics and words are totally amazing. My craft? Poetry and Entrepreneurship promotion... Combined together they make me enjoy writing business / motivational poems. Well done my friend.

Thanks so much for your perspective on your craft, poetry is awesome, poetry saves lives I say. Enjoy what you do bro that's awesome, be well and inspire forward. @nuridin

My "craft" is my profession, Electrician! It is an actual Profession, also. Like Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief ;) (that's an old saying btw) I am very good at my craft, and in certain areas I have constantly been "The Best" and that was Best at using my wide and obscure knowledge base to solve problems. It is very satisfying when there are maybe up to 100 electricians on the job and you are the only one with "the answer' and it is proven correct. I have had that HONOR maybe 6 or 7 times in my career. You see, it is remembering those things you learned in apprenticeship school, the ones where they say "You will NEVER use this in the workplace, but here it is" kind of thing LOL :D Very Cool feeling to be "that guy"...

I like the old guy saying about the Indian chief, I was like really a chief lol good stuff..

Right on brother its a good feeling to know what your doing and do it well. My father is a electrician as well, I have minimal skill in that by working in the hvac field but other then that, not much help otherwise. Thanks for you super awesome perspective on the subject craft and the look into your career field, being the best at it, keep the good work up friend and hope you are well and inspired to do whatever your mind wants to do. @underground

I am pursuing that for sure... one of the best compliments ever was when I was talking about my invention, which is an electrically triggered Generator, (Overunity Device) my peers did not say I was crazy, they did not ridicule. The wanted to INVEST! :D
I presented the idea to one of my apprenticeship teachers, at first he told me "you know it does not work that way" but as I explained my theory, his eyes lit up and he said "You might have something there!"
I gave him a thumb drive with a ton of info on it. He died 2-3 weeks later. :(

I personally like the old words. Many of the current words and uses of the the older ones seem to lack some depth and are disconnected from the original meanings. I like that you are a craftsman, making and shaping the world. Your photos help us see the world in a different and more beautiful way through your eyes. Thank you.

Thanks for your comment and perspective on the subject and depth and meaning, I am definitely interested and developing my signature here on the platfrom, never being a blogger much, and now posting daily I try to give more to look at and keep that part of my personality formatted in words and pictures or whatever it is that I'm even talking about. Thanks for your thoughts on this, and I am glad that this had some interesting flavor to it for your enjoyment thanks for stopping by and comment and I really appreciate it. @platosgroove be well bro

Hey man I was not trying to correct. I enjoyed your thoughts about craft. I do words. So that was were my thoughts went. And the blacktop with the yellow lines was incredible.

oh my bad i just assumed lol, my mistake , thanks so much brother i appreciate it, no worries. i like your words too there bro

If my words were bumbling I apologize. My intent will always be to say something that adds to. I would not presume to correct another. I got enough trouble with me.:)

Ok yea I just misread it I think is all. I try to do the same thing and upbuild and being positive about everything. I know how you feel.

I have different craft in life, some of these crafts are still needed to be enhanced. Poetry, drawing and other sorts of arts are examples of my crafts. When it comes to personal craft I still need to learn a lot. For me craft is like moulding your life itself to be more of value.

YES thanks for your perspective on the subject, totally life is your own craft that has to be molded to produce your own value to contribute in the world, indeed ... be well @coinbelly your thoughts are well noted and appreciated.

I've been thinking along these lines in the last few months also.

I began to delve into the concept behind the Chinese word gong (as in Qi Gong). I realise that gong and craft (the way you use the word) are the same.

From my understanding of the Taoist concept, it is something that I happily and freely put time, money, and energy into.

Wow this is awesome, I don't know much about the language tho, I fo have a close friend who recently learned Chinese and now lives in China working as an English teacher, I miss him actually. Thanks tho for your awesome input on the subject your word perspective is awesome, now I learned something new. Most excellent my friend be well and inspire on. @peterloupelis

For me? my CRAFT is photography, as well.
Landscapes, local and New England. Some Bird images, as well.

Awesome glad to hear. Having a craft you are proud of is a great feeling when you do the best you can at it and inspire others as well. I will check out your craft. Be well and steem on @bluefinstudios thanks for your comment and perspective on the subject.

Wow another amazing piece as of whole not only the poem but also the images and the theme. I truly support your opinion about the craft and also I can add up that craft for me is art itself so please continue to Craft your Lovely art and Inspire is on. God Bless. Peace and Love.

Thanks bro, your awesome and i greatly appreciate your comment and support, hope to keep the flow going and continue to inspire one another. be well @angelveselinov

That is very well said. I think I love lots of crafts because they are super personal in the way each person creates their craft! I really love your road picture too! It turned out really great!

Thanks so much, your awesome, many talents calls for many crafts indeed. Your so right. Be well @skye1 thanks for your contribution on the subject.

To be honest I love this post, very in depth and you really go out of your way to explain the subject and your intent. Steemit has a strong photography backing - and as you rightly say the photo's taken can be "crafted" - indeed maybe instead of showing what you think is your best photo in a post - show the same one in different ways to fill out the post explaining the changes and why done. Every post on Steemit has so much potential, and posts like this really do illustrate that you can do much more then post a picture or video link - you can make a post a unique and special work - or add in a poem or other thoughts like you have done. Superb content, really love your work.


Thanks so much, I appreciate your view on the subject and your perspective. I agree thanks for the corrective criticism, noted... And yes a job is your craft and has its own art to it and takes certain people to fit in certain jobs. Your so right and your comment is awesome and thanks for your contribution to the subject. Be well bro @c0ff33a

A great post I do find mfor me the craft I enjoy most is photography and I do like taking my own style and feeling sinto play when I edit a photo, some nights I may feel more MOnmo and will look for photos to edit that suit that mood, other days I may be in a more vibrant and colorful mood

as for HDR I to take my own approach for most shots I go for a painterly feel and subtle but every now and again I may feel the need for a more intense HDR edit

Love it thanks for your share bro, I appreciate hearing your take on the craft, your comments are always a great connection to your personality and perspective. I hope to get more shares of others craft they see as their craft at least. Even jobs are a craft an art too it also. I view steemit as a craft too like a job is how I see it in a way but also informative and fun. @tattoodjay be well brother

Good points indeed much of what we do is a craft

Including our time on here some are very good and managing it from a return of investment perspective and grow quickly
I am not that business oriented to be honest and my focus is on quality interactions

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