recent crimes by scan pretending to be cps

in #cpslast year

I've not read this act for Alberta the scan Act as it's known across the country is provincial legislation allowing any peace officer to be hired for any provincial or Municipal Authority to call the police on identified individuals by spreading slander lies false mind reading and claiming all rewards for themselves and their friends they're basically criminals that threw away their bikes wearing police uniforms I'm not sure if that's legal but I've been arrested three times but scan officers dresses CPS and the partner it has a badge number and a name the other ones lying dressed to CPS now because I called 911 on these bastards they come in violently arrest me twice in a week for no reason I'm very peaceful person never at a gun I mean that I shoot at them and I'm a targeted individual by a bunch of rapists and penticton RCMP there are eight of them Gary Lee and the whole tribe plus 55 crops rapist cops in that town not joking you're not allowed to cry if you go there and I know all eight of the civilians participating in this girl's murder Constable Vance is in the paper if you want to get some Giggles wow it's it's sick it's sick that this individual thought he could be convicted of such a crime or any crime and continue being a police officer he went to a tribunal to try to keep his job after raping a police officer this was I mean a few months after a cop shot a cop for skid marks in an argument in Ontario I thought that was kind of neat but this coffee got raped and been taken by Constable van should have shot him we would have forgiven her for that one or him gross and that sounds got 55 more of them Plus the administration of the hospital is no doubt granted by the city and at some point in time somebody was appointed who hired the emergency psychiatric care and petition Regional Hospital one of the highest funded hospitals in North America and the psychiatric emergency care have no training in diagnosing mental illnesses and over the years the laps in checking credentials of their friends has made it very painfully obvious to an I have Club points at the hospital I've been taught by the doctors how did not diagnose what is not illness and I followed their directions I don't have an illness and that town has some serious problems but it's not a big deal just stay out of that town the problem is they're targeting me in every city I go to they're rapist for frig sakes it's not hard to get rid of these people but some people don't care and now I'm interacting with scan officers lying claiming they have badge numbers so now there's three of them one of them was a scan off sir she said she was Alberta Health Services badge numbered peace officer under training of another scan officer I know as a security guard he's a pervert he shows up where I go he pretends he's my gay bum buddy this individual should have a restraining order nor should he be ever training a scan officer or near kids are f****** males or anybody that doesn't want them he follows me around and he was training this lady in the South Health Campus I'm so choked I'm yelling and this woman heard me speaking on the phone to the police at the time I was not bothering anybody in the coffee shop I was having a very painful conversation about missing and murdered woman and I was not yelling oh that's a good one any more than the people sitting beside me may have been disturbed by the content of my real life experience with this stalker for a years eight years the hospital coffee shop is open to all people it's a good one and there is no reason even if you had no reason it is acceptable to go to use the coffee shop for any reason that coffee shops would want you a paying customer I was speaking on the phone with the police in another jurisdiction quietly and was approached by this scan officer peace officer wearing a brown uniform and I know the security guards in the south health campus are all white shirt and they have a fancy iris recognition system so you can't sleep in the bathroom they're pretty good at their job of being friendly and ignoring patrons of the hospital these two scan officers the pervert and is trainee came to eject me permanently because she was bothered she said by listening to my conversation with the police if that's not laughable what is especially rude and disgusting is that by the time I got to the edge of the property because I was vacating these premises of Alberta health services who the two perverts claimed to be hired by Alberta health services AHS so the third party there was a skinny man I recognized from the harassment the stocking and harassment comes from these two individuals and their training he claimed he was the director of security at the hospital which I doubt unless I've seen them around in that area because I like to frequent there maybe getting a donut or something frequently I recognize them from the harassment and I would just check to see if a director of security is a real thing I don't think so so I'm waiting for a bus the police officer spent half an hour inside looking for witnesses to my disturbance could not find one so when I got to the road being ejected I waved my arms around and they were definitely peace officers or well-trained in that matter because that is a signal for charge that you disrupted traffic yelling the police officer yelled at me is the crime but it's true being on a road and waving your arms disrupting traffic is all they need to do to convince the prosecutor to charge you with two more failure to appears for your fingerprints and again violently arrest me today in a library because they told the librarian who knows I was a skinner escape from Florida institution whatever was she was terrified and that's normal I mean the gangstalkers will probably surprise that the explosion that happened in her brain the nice lady called the police immediately and so they came in happy to violently arrest me the scan officer and what is probably the partner that is also corrupted and I suspect about a hundred thousand dollars in a minor is going to a mister French who claims he was no badge number let badge numberless temporarily but he has badge number he said and a name and the other guy who knows he was well known librarian said she knows the guy she checked their credentials she doesn't need to call 911 for me as I was in a library continuing about the same thing reporting the evidence of the crimes to the police and using the internet as well as maintaining that nobody is touching me which is pretty frequently done even in a library you have to tell the librarians to not let anyone touch you that's not bad enough she called the police and suddenly they're there the body camera unfortunately showed a lot more than that and I won't go into it because I'm so disgusted by what they did and being of targeted individual who knows how long I was standing there well they fondled me or they claim they didn't fondle me it's pretty unclear at this point unless there's a body camera footage of them falling me whether or not I was fondled it doesn't really matter they still committed a crime because it looks like they may have fondled me unfortunately the pause weapon and this problem is a feature that's lost on these self-admitted dumbasses at least one of them said he was a dumbass which is cool I wouldn't trust anyone else with the gun as long as they listen that is the dumbass listen to me or the smart guys who to shoot or fondle I mean specifically do not fondle for f*** sakes it's so disgusting and having to ask them was bizarre was really bizarre and I'm pretty sure it's lost on them as they're eating their hungry man anyways I don't get into insulting I might go on forever this is the third or fourth time I've been arrested by scan officers posing is RCMP officers of time previous to that it was at a Walmart and McKenzie town about a month ago was banned they claimed from the Walmart but there is no bank because I signed no paperwork and they failed no paperwork and show me no paperwork I've no paperwork for a band from the library or the hospital the hospital actually did sign self-health campus so that one is mandatory band the one they tried to bring me to today after arresting me violently in a library and telling me I was banned from all libraries and all YMCAs don't get me started you know just forget their Christians Christians are like every other human being on the planet they're trying you can't even imagine they're even better than anybody else on the street especially if they're terrorizing you with the beeper and perving in on you in the bathroom to the point of making up more slander which is hilarious to consoles like she quit she was a special console with top secret security clearance and a psychiatric degree it's called a packed officer PACT there's there so they don't shoot the mentee ill and drug addicts so they send a car 69 in Vancouver to detain you they don't need to know anything to detain you they just bring you to a hospital with no questions they can only do it once for hospital or they get in trouble so they can bring you to any hospital as long as there's a new hospital they can keep bringing you and it doesn't take a gun toting cop to do that just one that to can't shoot guns well they're the PACT team but that's not true they're actually special constables with top secret information this information is being withheld and their participating across this country with the scan officers which are just your local bike club that's throughout their bikes hit their tattoos through on peace officer uniforms painted the cars to say police I believe this is legal but I call the police 911 every single time I interact with the police now because one of them runs away because they're now dressing as CPS officers this is a serious crime the time before this was right before Christmas I went to jail because of this the slander had the ministry of social services this Christmas cut me off eight days into November they said they're not gonna pay for my welfare anymore it was Tatyana Vladimir's supervisor believe it or not I don't know what the hell is with them but she cut me off she was supposed to be a nice lady according to Jeg meat my not so nice social worker social workers are great positions they have to understand your problem and they are supposed to speak for you this woman didn't care all of them participated in the slander I didn't get to hear none of them admitted to knowing it we're extremely vammint me when I was being courteous just like any other race saver of social assistance in this province and they cut me off for several reasons in the end Tatiana claimed angrily spitting out her words the only time I ever spoke with her after calling her 50 times trying to register a complaint with Vladimir cutting me off she yelled out that it was because the ministry of justice put a condition to keep me at home 24 hours a day so I stopped breaking windows and so I stopped causing disturbances which is fine by me I don't really want to go out and have a problem anyways but according to her that means they don't have to pay for my rent anymore even though I'm applying for age as targeted individuals are permanent disability according to the police so I'm waiting for ash and they cut me off eight days into rent in November I've been homeless and on the street since I found out after going through the long winded very long winded tribunal to get an answer from an official on my rejection of their rejection of my claim for age which is disability not age but ash and so his letter said I don't need to apply for rejection I just have to apply for welfare so in February I reapplied for welfare now I have a darious jensen who cut me off a day into it he claimed he never received any emails where I had sent every single document requested by him since February I even had a one hour long phone call with him two weeks ago in a library which is a very long time for speaking with it administrator for social services in any province but I felt all the paperwork and emailed it back to him within 12 hours I haven't heard from him since I've called the office twice his supervisor like I said the first one 50 times I've called her 50 times she is never once spoken to me Mr Darius Jensen hasn't called me back at all since that one hour phone call was the only call he called me I sent all the documents and now I have to reapply for social assistance again after my phone's been cut off months ago they're still billing me and I'm using Wi-Fi in a coffee shop in South health campus today when I was in the library I was using Wi-Fi and was arrested violently by these sick and hopefully ashamed and telling their supervisor all about how they were tricked into doing this for some dumbasses gonna spend the rest of his life in jail or at least a few weeks for national security concerns being grilled by somebody who knows what they're talking about anyways here's the scan act for the rest of you if you're in a Alberta this is for you if you're in Saskatchewan there's a different one for Saskatchewan every province has one these guys are criminals using brain technology their goal is to save your government with extortion extortion and kill you no joke they're very bad they're even worse than getting stalkers because they know what they're doing they can always tell your dad dead they tell me constantly they have killed my family members my sister patina on raw b e t t i n a she had 5,000 friends on Facebook I've been told now they are killing those 5,000 friends and they're all depressed about it it's gonna take a long time and since I'm being thorough my last incident a PS post script I'd like to tell you that I was accosted by a young man who is very distressed and holding a gigantic gun and never seen a gun so big and I was thinking as well as vaporizing my head I mean how funny it is that the police won't even know who it is it should obviously but they don't believe it they sort of know about gang stalking things to my travels here previously but that's long story there's 2,000 police officers here now in any case this Patriot handgun was pointing out my head several times over the course of half an hour or 20 minutes I thank God my backpack was too heavy and I had a bag of drugs to throw these hoodlums cuz this young man was about to blow my head off for something he was lied to about No Doubt I worry for him and his family if they're even still alive cuz these people are evil and these scan officers will present people with videos they will keep regular police RCMP who have authorities that are kept away from them through the legal mumbo jumbo in the scan acts they can pretend to be surveillance officers they can pretend to have authority in their own vehicles they're just peace officers and police are very reluctant to search them which they should do frequently because there is nobody with a scan officer hired in their jurisdiction across this country who hasn't duped into it by these criminals organized mind reading rapists damn criminals I'm serious the worst thing is they do it to children so once you get over this is happening to adults you got to understand they have a lot of people they're extorting before they even start the race these are the damn child sick Angie losers Angie Angie no good losers not Angie but the letter n g no good I'm not kidding so what they do is they use a lie of the mind reading to come as help for the victim they tell your friend whatever you told them everything he said is true on the first encounter if you could tell your friend everything they'd be immunized but if you only tell him as I do one day at a time we got about 2 weeks before they're up to speed or their brain will melt with one thing at a time even a police officer could handle it but you got two weeks to go before you can even talk to a victim and these are crazy people these are people affected by Simple Technology and they don't even know what George Orwell's 1984 is let alone be able to not laugh at mind control technology should not make people laugh it usually sends people to the hospital is true due to their own paranoia and anxiety so when your experiencing this is best to stick with mind reading and focus on focus on calling it brain technology or something that doesn't cause your friends or family or authorities to melt down I think I might have missed the last bus to damn Airdrie see you there I might have to go anyways these police officers certainly don't know near enough to deal with actual victims and I could easily educate them and it's especially hard when they don't listen to me want to bring you to a hospital when they're half my age when they're pretending to be police officers Justice CPS with a couple police officers thinking it's harmless to catch a couple G's in Monero means you're done for life I told them they catch you with five dollars in an area according to your quit for life you're done I don't think they even look nervous I told him that's how the FBI director got caught 60 Grand and drugs big orgy they're all poof fired for life no more FBI cool job for you still didn't look nervous so the night I tried to escape about 2 km to the closest bus after having this gun pointed at me three times the head vaporization gun and the police did show they're being very argumentative cuz the 911 call goes to the intermediary so I don't get to talk to 911 I talk to the Psychopaths even just now I did a customer service call to a lawyer and the girl was very offended by my polite demeanor and Manor and it's recorded the authorities are unaware this problem in general discourse with regular civilians but they do use zoom and their promising that holographic projection will look realistic for a little while longer before the computer can effectively create a holographically projected live stream video call with a friend so you can see every second twitch blood flow in their face even their eyes everything perfect eventually that'll be also intermediated by the hacks telecommunications with AI but right now Zoom is your best bet unless you're a rich and the government doesn't protect its officers with any of this in mind in fact I mentioned frequently to the ministers that they're not even protected they don't know what this guy's doing to them and he does pretend he's sleeping with them and their family members at night it's gross but I don't tell the ministers cuz it's just the Psychopaths narcissism and his sick fantasies but he could very well do that as he does to anybody he wants to and this group of people want to kill all the people that know about it that includes their victims across North America especially if a kid is scaring them he's smart kid people listen to this kid this whole country is going to go to s*** cuz this one child touching sickle staring out a teenagers eyes and talking to them they don't even know how sick it is so don't get too upset but it's maddening it'll freak them out if you know what I mean it's just best to deal with this problem in terms of the government finding these people and incarcerating them prevent him from using this brain technology and these lies called deepthake very easy to make everyone sees now how easy these lies were and that's why most of these mercenaries Anonymous Ops are all depressed especially thinking of killing 5,000 friends I've heard that will remember every bit of her cuz she was very very popular unlike myself she was smart and popular and well loved as a Christian and as a secondary school student as well as at the church as well as a missionary and no doubt by her Facebook friends so I scan officer came when I called 911 for a ride 2 km because if I was going to shoot someone I would be driving around the block with my buddy Ready to Mow him down and I paddle to the metal and the guys probably dead that's how they do it in the that's how they throw it nowadays that's how they've always done it and I don't want to get mowed down running to the bus stop it just is not the way to go after all this freaking work I'll take a ride from some freaking cops just to get out of there that night and the scan officer dresses CPS came and talked his head to the side like he was like he was a parrot and speeched out why what they do that I don't believe you and what do you expect us to do about it at which points point he said Bubble over to the other side again and he looked at the cop who's there participating in this minor fraud who agreed with him yeah what should we do about it which I just wanted to ride out of the gun down Zone two corners long way to go with people in a car and a gun anyways I got out of there I told him off and ran away like a f****** hero anyways that's it that's everything with scan that's me up to date what's going on last little while in my life are they poison me twice I also did something with my fingernails apparently it's really bad it's some sort of parasite that goes under your skin between your nail and probably just nail fungus don't have to worry about too much but I'm getting Gold Bond and I'm going to be looking out for this parasite I mean that they're claiming but I was paused and sending my nails bleeding all over the place blood all over my I don't know what they did to my nail because it was just instantly cracked and bleeding everywhere I wasn't moving in I was just sitting there calmly not moving my fingers and suddenly I was paused and they had cracked my nail and so if anyone knows what they're doing with the nails and why they want you to cut your nails to get rid of this fungus or whatever it is parasites let me know we can put it up here for everyone to see buddy of mine told Gold Bond so Gold Bond Gold Bond just get Gold Bond you'll be fine they tell your friends you'll be fine and it's it's a bunch of b******* remember they have mind reading deep fake and the mind reading is a lie but they are really reading your mind but the propaganda they produce for the people not telling you about it and they're extorted afterwards so the government official especially if they're a police officer will not tell nobody about the mind reading cuz they'll go to jail for life they say they're extorted and blackmailed once they have them that local police authorities are corrupted 100% like Regina right now 100% corrupted they got suckered in a friend of mine who is definitely not respectful to please he's probably puked thinking about it you know it's the kind of old school Guy where you can't owe somebody any money but without a crazy answering machine message I know those cops would not think very highly of them just simply for an answering machine message he is a demon special vagina he's not one for their eyes to twinkle he weighs him and his girlfriend are heroes to the RCMP in Regina and so they're all suckered into the brain technology lie the Deep fake videos are fed because it's mind reading and it's by the federal government because they have a scan apps that protects them cuz they were hired by anybody scan act that protects them cuz they were hired by anybody to be fair bit of many cities in Saskatoon police chief did investigate and he they did profess that they would look at my recordings but they're so bad mostly I can just hear myself causing more crimes and I know cops are liars so I had to leave the city because I don't trust them to use their experts to help me so sorry to Troy Cooper but I'm currently out here in Regina and all my media could definitely go through some technical analysis I'm a digital signal processing expert it would not be difficult for me to communicate with something new what they're talking about I'm not mental and v2k is a real problem it's not something the government or the NSA uses it's something criminals use in China and Russia just the government uses it and even in Russia the government uses mind reading this is further used on the local authorities to convince them that they should it's okay don't worry about it it's happening worldwide brain technology and their fed lies I know in my case they read a gay psychopath crackhead yeah and I'm not gay and I don't smoke crack like when I was a criminal I mean ever really so they're reading is mine they pass it off to regular people pretend it's your mind and then they watch you lying then they are going to help killing you cuz you're lying to your friends your family you're really the serial killer now they won't talk to you about the mind reading these people came to them and they wanted to help you they said look Stefan's not crazy everything you told you yesterday is actually true your friends will be really supportive of their secrets boss they will keep them secret pretending to help them look for this rapist stalking and killing you sometimes he comes fake gangsters usually hiding in a casino cuz that's the only way someone could fake being a gangster and be worry free especially when you're loaded or only when you're loaded really but these pussies are really just scan act officers former criminals pretending to be peace officer cops using a legal technology and slander and propaganda libel in the videos they claim to use against the extortion of the businesses and the local authorities the businesses are the worst because they will well they're not the worst they actually come forward they come forward the security guard came forward lots of people about six people maybe in 8 years came forward very so sorry what happened to you we are so sorry we helped them you were right about everything I can't believe that technology is real we're going to help you don't worry everything's going to be okay they're being extorted from then on Starbucks and 7-Eleven close several stores due to not making a profit and it was directly due to this extortion which was carried out in front of me in some cases brought to my attention by some serious criminals and Witness by myself in Saskatoon at first and then every city I go to once they turn that corner such as in vagina 300 police officers are all extorted none of them will tell the authorities cuz they'll be fired and they're threatened with life in prison Man by these scan Act doofuses they have the police eating out of their assholes it's hilarious to the criminals even if they don't like rapists they still think it's damn funny what's happening across the country I'm sorry to say that includes all my cool friends are not really that cool because I don't know where my sister is and nobody not one of these guys is helping me and I know dangerous f****** people I know I know better friends probably but I've been staying away from everyone I know because I don't want to bring this thing to them either they help this bad enemy teleport our country or they die thank you please buy my nfts Stefan on raw.nft s t e p h a n u n r a u n f t it will be it's already owned by me and it'll be posting my NFC soon enough and probably stolen soon after that

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