Moldova joins the ever-growing list of countries with zero entry requirements

in #covid193 years ago

I've never been to Moldova and actually had to look it up to find out where it even is but regardless, I am happy to see that it has joined the list of sensible countries that have eliminated all Covid-related entry requirements. No proof of vaccination require, no PCR test, no insurance, nada. If you qualify for a visa to go to Moldova, you can go and that's it!


Being right next door to Ukraine probably doesn't help very much from a tourism point of view but at least for me, that wouldn't prevent me from going there if I wanted to. It has never occurred to me to try to go to this country but seeing as how Eastern Europe is the only affordable part of the continent except for maybe Portugal, who knows....maybe i'll put it on the travel list.

While this comes from a completely uneducated point of view, there doesn't seem to be much reason to visit Moldova even though from what I have read there is some nature that is worth seeing as well as some pretty important historical stuff as well such as old churches and monasteries.

who doesn't love a building carved into the side of a mountain?

The fact that I don't know any good reasons to tour around Moldova is kind of not the point here though. The reason why I am writing about this is because there are more and more countries around the world that are completely abandoning their Covid restrictions and this makes me very happy. The past 2 years have been absolute torture for someone like me that likes to travel more than anything else and therefore seeing countries give up on what I consider to be fruitless and arbitrary regulations regarding entry is a good thing.

At the moment there are now 18 countries that you don't need to provide any proof of anything Covid-related in order to enter. Basically if you can get a visa, you can go there.

Including Moldova, here is a list of the countries that you can currently travel to without any sort of Covid nonsense getting in the way.


Many of these countries have had no entry requirements for a while now and of course, the global overlords told these countries that they were making a terrible mistake and they were signing their own death-sentence by not being vigilant. Of course they stopped talking about it once the doomsday situation didn't happen yet the US State Department still advises to not go to basically all of these places. Just like with most things the US government says I think you should ignore them. They haven't been correct about basically anything for a long time and certainly were not correct about anything Covid related, just like every other nation.

I applaud you Moldova for joining the ever-growing list of countries that are pulling their heads out of their asses. More and more dominoes are falling and I suspect and hope that the rest of the world is going to soon follow suit and we can be free once again.

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